lol! WTS inspired hypochondria, never thought about that one before, but makes sense.
JoinedPosts by theBGB
by elder-schmelder inhas there been an article on asthma lately?
my dad seems to have every sickness that the watchtower talks about.
now he has been walking around with an inhaler claiming to have asthma, so i figure there must have been an article about it.. .
Those of you in relationships, when your partner gets clingy, is it flattering, irritating? How do you deal with it?
by La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!! ini'm just curious as i'm on the outside looking in when it comes to relationships, yet i recall undercover explaining to me a year or so ago on another thread how his wife was clingy one morning before he went to work.
it made me wonder as someone who's single, what do you feel when you need to be somewhere and your significant other is clingy at the moment?
or when your out and about and he/she is clingy, is it flattering, irritating?
and here I am gettin all serious again... sorry that turned into a rant lol I'm still working on the damage my ex did to me as well as the WTS :P
Those of you in relationships, when your partner gets clingy, is it flattering, irritating? How do you deal with it?
by La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!! ini'm just curious as i'm on the outside looking in when it comes to relationships, yet i recall undercover explaining to me a year or so ago on another thread how his wife was clingy one morning before he went to work.
it made me wonder as someone who's single, what do you feel when you need to be somewhere and your significant other is clingy at the moment?
or when your out and about and he/she is clingy, is it flattering, irritating?
My ex used the clingy-bit as a form of guilt-manipulation/control.... I could barely ever leave the house (unless at her request) without her laying the guilt trip and it turning into a fight. Going to my Uni library and the Gym were the worst because those were 'optional' activities that would only better myself, and anything I did to better myself would increase the chances of another femail actually noticing me, and as far as my ex was concerned as soon as that happened I'd be gone. Which is as far from my character as you can get, and I always resented her for both keeping me from doing things so offten and for thinking so little of me that Id cheat on her with the first pretty girl that smiled at me. Work and classes were pretty much the only time she wouldn't make me feel like an asshole for leaving the apartment.
Who like jehovah witness?I don't for sure!
by witchtowerwitch inthey won't give you the sweat off of there balls!.
Jws are just unfortunate people that have been lied to...not inherantly evil or malicious. The WTBS has twisted them into mindwashed drones who don't know what real morality is. There are many Jdubs I dislike personally, but I'd never say I hate all Jdubs...that would be sinking to their level of ignorance and extremism.
Does Anyone Know the Sinclairs of Ontario or the Boots of London?
by jamiebowers in
this story is so sad and the kind that keeps me up at night.
the sinclairs' son, scott left the cult and committed suicide.
The name's sound familiar, but I don't think I knew them personally...however I know (knew) some families in Oakville that must have known them, there being only 2-3 KHs in that town. The sheer injustice of it all is sickening.
Jehovah's Witnesses And The Paranormal
by Cold Steel ini understand that the jehovah's witnesses are paranoid when it comes to the paranormal.. how far do the roots of this paranoia go?
has anyone ever had any personal paranormal experiences or know of anyone who has (first hand)?.
and what are some of the more popular stories that get retold in jw circles?.
when i was a kid, my mom was convinced i had demon attacks .. i was 7 or so .. wasnt until my late 30s and consultation of therapist that i learned about night terrors .. and lo and behold the scientific explanation was spot on
It's a good thing the WT doesnt actually believe in demons...just uses them to terrorize their masses. If they did then I figure exorcisms would be all the rage and countless more kids would end up scarred -or dead- then already have due to the WTS. Cheerios might not have made it out alive considering the seriousness of his 'possession'...
btw...doesn anyone have any info/stories about oldschool JW possession/exorcisms??
I Dream of Jeannie, Bewitched, Dark Shadows
by TOTH inthese shows and a few others were banned in my parents home when i was a kid.
demunz and the like were the reason given by the wts and thus my folks followed suit with the the rule of the house.
shhhh i watched them anyways.
Remember the JW stories going around that 'hands' would come out of the TV set and change the channel.
Bahaha I love this thread, and I love the Buffy series. Angel is even better and I own both on dvd now! I've followed almost all of Joss Whedon's stuff, Firefly is one of the best shows-never-made (could have giving ST a run for it's money if it had the chance).
I can't remember what shows specifically I wasn't allowed to watch except for the Beetle Juice cartoon (which I understood why they didnt want me watching it, main character being a ghost and all). The chunk of my life spent up north in Ontario there were only ever 4-5 channels we'd get so it wasn't so much what we weren't allowed to watch as oppsed to what we were allowed to watch, I remember no simpson for a decade or so then it was ok all of a sudden (guess the Ol' WT hypocrisy rubbes off pretty easily). Thankfully ST was always a favortie of my dad's, for some reason science fiction = cool, while anything Fantasy genre = DEMUNZ!
christmas puddings
by tornapart inin our last ca it was said from the platform that the gb has said we shouldn't buy food that is only produced at certain times of the year.
although not specified i imagine they meant turkeys, christmas puddings, easter eggs, hot cross buns etc.
the reasoning that it's attached specifically to pagan festivals.
Hmmm a recent thread here presented a list of mind-controll techniques, one of which was the control over the subjects diet. A few people stated that was the only technique the WT didn't use....well not anymore. 10 for 10 now!
Jehovah's Witnesses And The Paranormal
by Cold Steel ini understand that the jehovah's witnesses are paranoid when it comes to the paranormal.. how far do the roots of this paranoia go?
has anyone ever had any personal paranormal experiences or know of anyone who has (first hand)?.
and what are some of the more popular stories that get retold in jw circles?.
I was told by an elder that the only person in the bible that saw a ghost was the witch of endor so to see one was to be possessed or in withcraft conjouring .
That's so funny...they spend so much time and effort making you terrified that demons will personally come Fk with you, then when you claim to actually have an encounter with one they either call you crazy or a liar or claim that your possessed.
The hypocrisy never fails to astound me.
How Does One Get Into The GB?
by Cold Steel inif one wanted to get onto the governing body, how would one go about it?
and who is currently the head of the gb?
how often do occupancies arise?.
They explain that if you don't know how this is done, you are obviously not anointed. To non - anointed, there is no visible or clear signs. They simply have to trust the anointed are not lying. The entire GB could be lying and no one else in the organization would know.
...something smells fishy.