JoinedPosts by apostatethunder
5 Rules for Diagreeing Agreeably
by skeeter1 inrule #1: give others the benefit of the doubt.. maybe this person has made the outrageous generalization isn't really insensitive.
maybe this person has had a painful experience that made them overreact.. .
rule #2: when disagreeing with someone, always take resonsibility for our own feelings.
What did you eat when you moved out if you didn't know how to cook?
by Aware! ini'm male, in my early twenties, and i don't know how to cook.
if one day i blow my cover i will have to move out and fend for myself.
my question is what frozen meals or quick fix meals do you recommend for a single guy?
The Myths of Disfellowshipping
by Londo111 injj allowed me to send him an article for jwstruggle.
i know this might not be everyone's cup of tea on jwn, and i hope this doesn't smack of self-promotion, which i find distasteful, but i hope it might bring comfort to some who have found themselves the victims of judicial committees.
Thanks for posting this Londo111, I feel very sorry for anyone that allows these losers to decide, judge, or discipline them.
I have decided to disfellowshipped them, but unlike them, I don’t need to announce it publicly, or stop talking to them if I see them in the street, or keep a written copy of the verdict.
They are gone for me, and the place I have sent them is HELL.
You Were All A Bunch Of Loser Witnesses!
by minimus ini want to get responses just like the troll got proving me wrong..
What are your favourite movie lines/quotes????
by karter in''well there's one thing you got ta ask yourself punk....you felling lucky...well do ya punk".....clint eastwood dirty harry.. "it's life jim but not as we know it" capt kirk star treck..
“Never underestimate a woman with a French manicure and a Harvard Law Degree.” Legally Blonde
To know others is wisdom, to know yourself enlightenment - Lao Tzu-
by frankiespeakin into know others is wisdom, to know yourself enlightenment - lao tzu-.
Our essence is spiritual, it has nothing to do with what we think or even feel. We are who we are.
Every choice we make moves us closer or farther from the enlightenment of our true essence, and from life itself. Isaiah 44:24-25
What are your favourite movie lines/quotes????
by karter in''well there's one thing you got ta ask yourself punk....you felling lucky...well do ya punk".....clint eastwood dirty harry.. "it's life jim but not as we know it" capt kirk star treck..
-“What is your policy on Columbus day?”
-“We work.”
-“It’s kind of like a big holiday for me. I don’t know how I am going to get by that one. Hey, we tried, right?” You, me and Dupree
The Watchtower and the Masons
by ozziepost inthe latest edition of the free in christ ministries journal contains a very interesting article entitled the watchtower and masons.. drawing upon material from the book the watchtower & the masons by fritz springmeier, it gives the following parallels between the things that c t russell believed and those taught by the masons:.
* both believe jehovah is the most important word being the basis of their dogma, and the name of their god.
* both believe god yielded power to a lesser god.
Matthew 5:6
Why do they make me feel this way????
by loosie ini finally got in contact with the overseer from my mom's congregation in ca, (i am in ks).
i wanted to let him know how to contact me in case she becomes ill or worse.
he called me back after i left a message for him.
I am glad I don’t give a damn every time I meet one of those energy suckers.
I am losing my patience with them, and the way they try to corner me every time they meet me in the street, to get information about my life.
As far as I am concerned, all they make me feel now is an urge to run.