OMG! LMAO.. um how did your daughters date much ??? or did the word get out ?
"ten simple rules for dating my daughter".
some thoughtful information for those who are daughters, were daughters, have daughters, intend to have daughters, or intend to date a daughter.. rule one: if you pull into my driveway and honk you'd better be delivering a package, because you're sure not picking anything up.. rule two: you do not touch my daughter in front of me.
you may glance at her, so long as you do not peer at anything below her neck.
OMG! LMAO.. um how did your daughters date much ??? or did the word get out ?
what's the most outrageous thing that you were personally told ,while in the organization??
The most OUTRAGEOUS thing well there are a few...
1) That I was not being a "good" and obedient daughter ( I was told this by an Elder) because if I was a better daughter, my mother would not have to "discipline me" so vigoriously.
2) When I turned to a Sister for help, she started to.. then backed off b/c she could not have a d/f person near her or confront her ( ie. my mom) and would I please go from her house and take my mom w/ me.
Gee thanks, Sister Leach.. your support during a particularly vicious beating was so loving. You could of picked up the phone and called the police, but then of course you may of brought reproach on Jehovah's Kingdom.
3) I was told by a brother that the "New Earth" is going to be ..get this .. On the MOON !???
4) During a particular conversation .. ( b/fore a wedding of a Elders Daughter .) they gave the big talk on how men have these "ANIMAL" urges.. and how we as women must gracefully submit.
of jehovah's witnesses
Like this is going to change you.. even if they do suceed in D/F you .. I serously doubt that all this will end there. I think silent lambs everywhere will continue the fight. Their Secret Tribunal Assasignations of Character will not stop the TRUTH of what they have done to people. By allowing these abuses within the WTS. They have failed in their appointed positions as "shepards" of the congregation. They have a certain accountablity.. and b/c you called them on it they are going to punish you ? That is beyond ridiculous!
In one of my post I stated this.
God is UNCONDITIONAL love.. and in a Organization that places conditions unto thier love then I question it. Because we do not answer to them they are not our judge. God is.. yet they step in countless times to pass judgement and condemnation of a brother or sister. An shun them or shame them into returning to an organization, that uses fear to keep people in line. How is that God's mercy ? God is the only one who can "forgive" us for our sin.. he is the one that shows us mercy. He understands that we are imperfect. We repent to him and ONLY him. Not to an organization of men.
A brother can show consern, help you in your toughest hours and be a source of strengthing fellowship. But not judge, jury and executioner.
You continue to stand against this .. and we will stand with you.
i just got my cat neutered..... i know its the responsible thing to do...but i still feel horrible about it!.
SOB!!! Onyx looks like my baby MOKKI .. I had to give her to someone because of the move across country. I still miss them. But they are in a good place. An I could not have them where I live unfortunately. ( we inherited a place ) so there was not much of a choice in the matter. I at least got Tink spayed and Mokki after she had one litter we got her fixed too.
Anyway cherish them.
this is crazy.. just go under each topic on this sight and read.
it speaks on each topic we have touched on in this forum and bascially gives thier "answer" and thoughts as silly as some are.
Ps: I am not going to get into a discussion about God when the post was about the policies the WTS state for eldership to use in regards to the abused. .
Now if you want to ask if I do believe in God .. away from this issue of ACCOUNTABLITY to the congregation.
The answer is YES I believe in GOD and YES I have a relationship with him. But because I choose to read the Word of God, instead of being spoon fed it by what the WATCHTOWER and AWAKE wants you to read and only think. That is using the teachings of a organization ran by men and interpreted by men as Gospel. There are too many contradictions within those teachings.
So if you can read my heart through these posts and "JUDGE" me wanting so be it.
For only GOD knows my heart. Now that will make me a apostate from your way of religion.
But again who stated that Jehovah chose the Witnesses to be his RELIGION on earth ? Jehovah, GOD, which ever name you want for him is bigger than the Organization you are putting him in. ( another post for another time) ...anyhow.
There is a difference between RELIGION and being spiritual. Knowing the word of God... doesn't equate knowing God. Knowing God, is bigger than just reading his word. It is practicing it in your actions towards others.
God is UNCONDITIONAL love.. and in a Organization that places conditions unto thier love then I question it. Because we do not answer to them they are not our judge. God is.. yet they step in countless times to pass judgement and condemnation of a brother or sister. An shun them or shame them into returning to an organization, that uses fear to keep people in line. How is that God's mercy ? God is the only one who can "forgive" us for our sin.. he is the one that shows us mercy. He understands that we are imperfect. We repent to him and ONLY him. Not to an organization of men.
If the eldership truely were to shepard the congregation.. that man who abused your family member would not have only been removed from congregational duties. but would have recieved counseling. Would have had fellowship in helping him grow stronger in the Lord. We are to help our brothers and sisters.. not harm them.
this is crazy.. just go under each topic on this sight and read.
it speaks on each topic we have touched on in this forum and bascially gives thier "answer" and thoughts as silly as some are.
As you read my post, I said MANY-- not all elders. Do not do what is should be required of them.
Main Entry: 1 many
Pronunciation: 'me-nE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): more
/ 'mOr, 'mor /; most
/ 'mOst /
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English manig; akin to Old High German manag many, Old Church Slavonic munogu much
Date: before 12th century
: consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number <worked for many years>
: being one of a large but indefinite number <many a man> <many another student>
- as many
: the same in number <saw three plays in as many days>
As for God handling it all in the end.. that is his place to do so. But it doesn't relieve us or the eldership in dealing with the issues. To use and twist many of the teachings to personal benefit, to shun the victim, to harm another person etc. is wrong. An MANY ex-jw's have gone through to much pain and suffering at the hands of the MANY who are out there.
It is way past time for the religions of the world to start to clean house. But as long as the blinder syndrome continues it will take a law of accountablity to make these things come to pass.
Your case with the Eldership is rare and I am glad to see that it was somewhat handled by the congregation being able to stand together to make sure this person was "watched". But even though he was "Watched " within the congregation he is released upon the community. Or even worse for him to start all over again in another congregation. As long as the denial continues our children are in danger... just look at the example in California. Preditors can travel.. and infact do so.
The bible speaks upon rendering unto the laws of the land. Yet in so many cases...known and unknown it has not been done. If you call that being judemental.. then so be it. But by their fruits ...they are known to us.
it broke my heart today to find out that this child was not to be found alive.
i grew up in and around orange county.
i lived for several years in fullerton.
The address to write to if you want to send support, a card or express you thoughts and condolences is :
Samantha Runnion's Family C/o Stanton City Hall
7800 Katella Ave. Stanton, CA. 90680
it broke my heart today to find out that this child was not to be found alive.
i grew up in and around orange county.
i lived for several years in fullerton.
I just hope they find him ... there is not any type of punishment that I can possibly think of that will be horrible enough for this person. It makes me soooo MAD!!!! I grew up around there and we were able to play outside.. yes I was the oldest and watched my sisters but none the less, children are being robbed of thier right to a childhood by these sick perverted assholes.
(Enraged Scream) .. it tears me up inside to think of this innocent child treated like this.
I will say this if they do catch him they will not be able to release him into general population in the prision system.
it broke my heart today to find out that this child was not to be found alive.
i grew up in and around orange county.
i lived for several years in fullerton.
It broke my heart today to find out that this child was not to be found alive. I grew up in and around Orange County. I lived for several years in Fullerton. Anyone who wants to send a card or support to the family can write and send the letter to Stanton City Hall on Cattella Ave. Care of City Hall .. to the Parents of Samantha Runnion.
I really do pray that they find this @)%)$*@! jerk before he harms another. The police are warning parents that he may change his looks and may strike again. Just keep it in mind that it just takes a split second to change your life. Please be safe.
Warm Regards,