Yayyy for anyone waking up.
I slowly started waking up 2 years ago.. and just recently fully woke up all of a sudden and everything became soooo clear. I must admit it left me dumbfounded.. And I know that I can't ever go back.
What triggered my waking up was how young JWs are not allowed to marry nonJWs and the society doesn't do ANYTHING for singles! Only restrictions restrictions restrictions. I turned down so many lovely guys who had everything I wanted.. except for this small detail of being a non-JW. I really thought Satan sent them to me. I was depressed about this between age 18 up till 28.. when I suddenly fell in love with a non-JW who is now my husband.
I always disagreed with the complete shunning of exJWs and the ban on researching with non-approved sources outside the Org. I wondered 'What do they have to hide?' That's when I started reading in Forums. Which gave me the SUDDEN B A N G on my head