A long time ago thrre was a local needs part in my cong about pokemon being demonic..
It was back then when pokemon first became popular. It must have been around 15 years ago or so...
[spoiler: pokemon is an invitation to communication with or possession by demons because... well... pokemon comes from demons.
so... i was looking through different questions on quora, and i noticed one that read, "is pokemon demonic?
" i was interested in seeing what people have to say, especially that not so long ago there was a thread (or a post in a thread?
A long time ago thrre was a local needs part in my cong about pokemon being demonic..
It was back then when pokemon first became popular. It must have been around 15 years ago or so...
the org teaches j.w.
's to tell others that the earth will soon be a paradise - free of crime & violence and with no nasty people to make their lives miserable.
why aren't they telling them the whole "truth"?
For sure the internet won't be around any longer. Lots of young witlesses don't learn to do research and reading in libraries/books but only by clicks.
No electric power systems... no servers... satellites.. advanced hardware technology.. and the list goes on
to briefly state this: we were hardcore jws, my siblings, my wife and her two sisters.
we have 18 nieces and nephews among us from late 20's to 55. only one is a card-carrying, practicing jw and he's had his problems.. what's hilarious, is that most of the 18 in the next generation would still identify themselves as jws to the rest of the family, but all are leading double lives extraordinaire, doing exactly what they want to do.
most would be honest with me and have been.
The problem is that I have lost respect (not love) for them...... I don't understand being fake .....why do it??
Many of us have a lot of reasons to be fake. Not everyone has reached that point where they feel totally free to break free from this cult as you may have by now. They are in big turmoil and the least they need is to be judged from others
as the title says--i'm out of here for good.. the site is full of atheists, communists, 7th day adventists, creationists, believers, deceivers, receivers, football supporters,.
dodgy types, cantleave---and assorted wankers.. so no place for me--because i'm none of the above so dont fit in.
so--this is goodbye forever my friends--its been almost average knowing you.
Someone is feeling not at ease with differing opinions...
What's the matter with those passive aggressive "i won't be back" notes?
two years ago i had a kundalini experience.
i felt energy or chi pulsate through each of my chakras, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, then back, after that i felt like a newborn for three days.
i felt like i was reborn spiritually and god gave me a new name - indi.
Have you seen a shrink? You may be on the wrong meds :-/
i was going through my copy of steve hassan's combating cult mind control and it occurred to me that it would be great to have something like this specifically for us ex jehovah's witnesses.
while this is a great book, the examples he uses are mostly from people that were moonies, as steve is a former moonie and many people that have contacted him for help were relatives of moonies.
while cults all work basically the same, it would be nice to be have some ideas on things that are specific to jehovah's witnesses.
Very good thread and great points!
For those still in physically they may sensibly bring up something as a point a study/an interested person mentioned that you didn't know how to answer (without being too obviously "apostate (tm)" ideas) like "so and so asked about .... and as I have never heard of this I didn't know whst to respond.
i don't think this has been picked up anywhere yet.
the revised nwt released in 2013 is already out of date.
the second half of psalm 51:4 now reads "therefore, you are righteous when you speak, you are right in your judgment" in the online version where the printed version reads "so that you might prove righteous when you speak, and be right in your judgment".. fairly unimportant in itself, but i wonder what else has been changed without telling anyone..
The light is getting brighter. The bible - rewritten by the Governing Body (TM)
Soon they will introduce additional bible books
(edit:last sentence added)
from a jw facebook group "bible speaks".. .
D I S G U S T I N G ! ! ! ! !
I'm lost for words
with stephen lett???!!!
a bright future with stephen lett???.
a bright future with stephen lett, chjiangmai special convention, nov., 6-8, 2015, thailand..
what i'm looking for specifically is things that are "pagan" in the sense they predate christianity (or i guess judiasm to cover the ole mosaic code), that jw's allow or do.
the ones that come to mind are below.. rings - rings seem to originate in egypt.
for wedding ceremonies it became a symbol of "ownership" in rome.. pinatas - looks like possibly it originated in china as a part of the new year and a request for luck, and catholics later turned it into a beating of temptation type thing.. anything else?.
Slimboyfat this article made my day hahahahahahahahahahahaha
cats are unclean animals. Some unclean practices indulged in by cats include coughing up furballs, licking inappropriate body areas, urinating on the floor, eating dead animals with their blood, sexual misconduct without the benefit of marriage, abuse of catnip, and stealing food from the table, just to name a few. Uncleanness is one of the “works of the flesh” condemned by the apostle Paul. The Bible clearly shows that “neither fornicators …or thieves will not inherit the Kingdom.” In addition Paul admonishes us to “quit mixing in company” with such unclean ones.