What I don't understand is how they can ban something that isn't real. Magic does not exist at all. How can you hate something that isn't even something real?
JoinedPosts by schnare
Feeling Emotional But In A Good Way. Another Sparlock thread :D
by Amelia Ashton injust fired up my comp and went to youtube and entered "sparlock".
people have re-uploaded the originals, they have parodied it, got kids to comment on it and woody from toy story has given his opinion on it too.. you guys are awesome!
Satan sounds an awful like the WTS
by schnare ini was just browsing through the april 15th, 2012 watch tower to see what bs they are spouting now.
i was reading an article called "beware of the devil's snares!".
the three traps sound an awful lot like what they do to people.. .
I was just browsing through the April 15th, 2012 watch tower to see what BS they are spouting now. I was reading an article called "Beware of the Devil's Snares!". The three traps sound an awful lot like what they do to people.
To catch prey alive, a trapper may use a snare of
some sort. He may try to get the animal to come
out into the open where he can capture it with a
noose. Or he may use a hidden trap that has a trigger
and takes the animal by surprise. The Devil uses
similar snares to catch God’s servants alive. If we
want to avoid being caught, we must be alert and
heed warning signs indicating that one of Satan’s
snares, or traps, is nearby. This article will consider
how we can guard against three of the traps that the
Devil has used with a measure of success. These are
(1) uncontrolled speech, (2) fear and pressure, and
(3) excessive guilt. The next article will consider two
additional traps, or snares, of Satan.
Does the GB actually believe it all?
by schnare indo you guys think that the gb actually believes the garbage that they print?
how could they actually believe their new "overlapping generation" doctrine?
wouldn't they have access to anything ever printed and have knowledge of all the false prophecy?
Do you guys think that the GB actually believes the garbage that they print? How could they actually believe their new "overlapping generation" doctrine? Wouldn't they have access to anything ever printed and have knowledge of all the false prophecy? Maybe they are all just deluded.
How can I convince my mother the JW's are wrong?
by schnare inthis is probably going to be a long post, since i am going to be added some parts of our conversations on facebook.
my mother has been involved sort of with the jw's, since she was younger.
so she's always kind of believed in their stuff.
I think, that she meant Herod . I totally agree with you oompa. I used an illustration to my mother about the light getting brighter. I said that if the light is getting brighter it should build on previous knowledge not be something completely different. I said it's like being in a room which is dimly lit. You can see it looks like a bedroom and then it gets brighter and brighter, but it some how became a bathroom. I know, how much the JW's love their illustrations.
How can I convince my mother the JW's are wrong?
by schnare inthis is probably going to be a long post, since i am going to be added some parts of our conversations on facebook.
my mother has been involved sort of with the jw's, since she was younger.
so she's always kind of believed in their stuff.
Here is some more conversation from today.
My Mother: Y our grasping at straws.1935 is when they found out there was an earthly crowd. Truths were getting out. The bible does not have a date, but it does not mean the light isn't getting brighter.
Me: How am I grasping at straws? They get their knowledge from the bible apparently,so where does it state the date? "Is it not hypocritical when you chide the "poor deluded Catholic" that his faith cannot find a Bible passage to support it, when the same goes for you and 1935?" Also why do they misquote scientists and historians in their publications?
My Mother: Things are getting clearer all the time, but the bible does not have to have the exact date for everything coming out. People have to know the truth to do God's will ,but if they dont know, how will they do that? Some people will read the truth and not see it. Do what you want. I feel sad, but I will hope until the day. (she's refering to the Big A, obviously)
Me: Life -- How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? (1985), p. 18:
12 Darwin acknowledged this as a problem. For example, he wrote: "To suppose that the eye ... could have been formed by [evolution], seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."
The whole quote, which they took out of context to make look like he said something it was not and that's not the only time. Why be so dishonest?
Real Quote:
Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, 1859, p. 133:"To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree. When it was first said that the sun stood still and the world turned round, the common sense of mankind declared the doctrine false; but the old saying of Vox populi, vox Dei, as every philosopher knows, cannot be trusted in science. Reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist, each grade being useful to its possessor, as is certainly the case; if further, the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited, as is likewise certainly the case; and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, should not be considered as subversive of the theory."
My Mother: There are many reasons about chrismas then the date. Paganism, astrologers following the star. God disapproves of astrologers. Why would he use them? Harold ask the astrologers to follow that star, when they found Jesus, THE astrologers were warned to return to Harold. The true religion would be prosecuted and hated. Satan wants to blind people. I know JW is the truth. I want you to believe, but I can't force you, but I hope.
Me: Life -- How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? (1985), p. 39:
5 At this point a reader may begin to understand Dawkins' comment in the preface to his book: "This book should be read almost as though it were science fiction."
Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, 1976, p. ix:
"This book should be read almost as though it were science fiction. It is designed to appeal to the imagination. But it is not science fiction: it is science. Cliché or not, "stranger than fiction" expresses exactly how I feel about the truth."My Mother: I've got to go now. I should have took you to the hall,when you were younger. But now I have to do the best I can. I believe it's the truth. I want you to know I believe JW has the truth. I can only do the best I can now. Hoping for you until the day.
It must be terrible to be a JW or some who believes them, because they think that everyone including their children pretty much have a death sentence.
How can I convince my mother the JW's are wrong?
by schnare inthis is probably going to be a long post, since i am going to be added some parts of our conversations on facebook.
my mother has been involved sort of with the jw's, since she was younger.
so she's always kind of believed in their stuff.
oompa, that would be awesome to the letter, so I can have more information to back me up. I don't know, if any will work to be honest. I could probably show her a video of the GB admitting something and she'd still deny it. "Satan doesn't want any to find the truth..." or something like that.
How can I convince my mother the JW's are wrong?
by schnare inthis is probably going to be a long post, since i am going to be added some parts of our conversations on facebook.
my mother has been involved sort of with the jw's, since she was younger.
so she's always kind of believed in their stuff.
Ding, I don't she's confident enough to do D2D yet I think she would like to eventually, but she's trying to build her way there. Also she isn't even baptized, so I don't think it's really required or am I wrong? Abible Student, she probably wouldn't go anywhere near crisis of conscience. It would be from "satan" according to her probably. That verse sounds exactly like the watchtower especially the " The due time has approached" or "It's right around the corner".
How can I convince my mother the JW's are wrong?
by schnare inthis is probably going to be a long post, since i am going to be added some parts of our conversations on facebook.
my mother has been involved sort of with the jw's, since she was younger.
so she's always kind of believed in their stuff.
Thanks clarity! Do you have any suggestions for questions I could pose to her. I just typed "questions to ask Jehovah's Witnesses" into google, so I might find some there. But I want some that might be decently effective in making her think.
How can I convince my mother the JW's are wrong?
by schnare inthis is probably going to be a long post, since i am going to be added some parts of our conversations on facebook.
my mother has been involved sort of with the jw's, since she was younger.
so she's always kind of believed in their stuff.
Thanks for the replys. Maybe, I will try that iamallcool. I going to listen to the interview right now 00DAD.
How can I convince my mother the JW's are wrong?
by schnare inthis is probably going to be a long post, since i am going to be added some parts of our conversations on facebook.
my mother has been involved sort of with the jw's, since she was younger.
so she's always kind of believed in their stuff.
This is probably going to be a long post, since I am going to be added some parts of our conversations on facebook. My mother has been involved sort of with the JW's, since she was younger. Apparently, they'd come to her house, when she was a child and I guess my grandmother let them talk to her, but she didn't have anything to do with them. So she's always kind of believed in their stuff. My aunt is a JW, so it probably doesn't help the situation much. In the last two years my mother has become really serious with it and is having a study, going to meetings, and going to the DC's. I think, that the only thing that she doesn't do is the D2D. Luckily my stepfather doesn't let her take my younger siblings with her. I tried to show her evidence from different websites, but she just tells me to look in the bible, the they have an accurate knowledge, etc. She's bi-polar so I think she is more easily manipulated. She won't go to any links that I ever send to her. What else can I do to show her it's all BS? I'm not going to put everything here because it would take forever to read, but here are some parts of our conversations.
Me: I know you probably won't click on the link, but I decided to type out the this "actual real" letter from the UN says.
"To Whom It May Concern:
Recently the NGO Section has been receiving numerous inquiries regrading the association of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York with the Department of Public Information (DPI). This organization applied for association with DPI.This organization applied for association with DPI in 1991 and was granted association for 1992. By accepting association with DPI, the organization agreed to meet criteria for association,including
support and respect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities
In October 2001, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York requested termination of its association with DPI. Following this request, the DPI had made a decision to dissassociate the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York as of 9 September 2001."My mother: ****** ,why are you so determined to go against Jehovah Witnesses belief.Why dont you turn to the bible? 2 Corinthians 4 ;3,4 Isaiah 52; 6,7.
Me: Why wouldn't I? I know they are wrong. You can't deny the proof that I have.
My Mother: I look into the bible for the word of God..Satan does not want people to know about Jehovah,or his word.Satan does not want people to come to an accurate knowledge so they can know and do Jehovah's will.Jehovah wants people to come to know him,and live forever.I did not read the letter.I will continue giving you verses.I know Jehovah Witnesses beliefs are the truth.
Me: Why do you ignore proof? It's a real letter and if you think otherwise than they must really have your mind demented towards reality. So what's your argument towards it? Do you think that the UN just decided to lie about it for something to do? If they really have the truth, then they shouldn't be so concerned about criticizing material. They should be able to back it up, but they can't. They're afraid of those things, because they expose their lies, so they just label them apostate.
My Mother: I do not believe the UN would be honest. There is so much dishonestly in politics. I have faith that Jehovah witnesse is the truth.I want to please Jehovah,so I would not read any material that says things against his people.The bible is full of answers. Look into the bible for them.
Me: Because you know,that the UN is going to blatantly lie about something as random as that. People wrote them to ask about it and they replied, telling "the truth". It has nothing to do with politics. I was reading about the over-lapping generation doctrine, somebody is on crack, if they actually believe that pile of shit. What are they going to say in a few years when all those people are dead?
Don't be afraid of the link. This is actual material from the watchtower pre 1925.My Mother: ******, read the bible.The bible is accuate,never outdated.The bible gives advice about alot of things. I will talk to you tomorrow.
Me: Whether the bible is right or not doesn't mean that the "Washtowel" is correct what so ever. Why didn't you go to that link. Are you afraid of the truth? Stop ignoring the facts and look at it. You can't deny something that was written by them. They're going to come falling down soon, when they can't lie their way out of the 1914 problem they have.
My Mother: ******,I will not look at the link.Dont send me anymore of those links.I believe the Jehovah witnesses beliefs.It is the truth that leads you to everlasting life.We are getting so close to the end. Please, keep looking for the truth. To live your life doing what Jehovah wants us to do, gives a person peace of mind. It benifits your life, gives a person hope for the future.
Me: The end has been around the corner for the last 130 years according to them. I will never believe,what they say,because I know that it is not true whatsoever. I don't like how they won't own up to their mistakes, like 1975. They'll just be like, we never said that. Tell me why you aren't able to look at the link,even though it's material made by the JW's? So their old stuff must be apostate, if you won't even look at it. I guess they don't preach the truth then.
My Mother: Noah preached for about 130 years. People laughed and they laughed, but they stop laughing, when it started to rain. Psalms 8; 3,4 Matthew 24 ;21,22 1Thess 5;2,3 Zeph 1;14,17. ,18. As we get closer to the day we get more information and things get clearer Daniel 12;4 John 16;14 Increased Kowledge often requires adjustments in one's thinking. Jehovah never said life would be easy in becoming a witness,oh how I LONG FOR THE DAY I can become one. Read Luke 9;23. I will continue trying to do better,pray better.There is no other life really. If I give up then I have no hope or peace of mind. IT'S REALITY NOT A FANTASY.
There is quite a bit more, but I'm not going to make you read it all.