For over 20 years subliminal pictures showed up in most books, wt, and awakes- eighties, nineties and into 2000's...
Demons, gods, you name it--
Question: IS anyone seeing anything like this in todays publications?
for over 20 years subliminal pictures showed up in most books, wt, and awakes- eighties, nineties and into 2000's.... demons, gods, you name it-- .
question: is anyone seeing anything like this in todays publications?
For over 20 years subliminal pictures showed up in most books, wt, and awakes- eighties, nineties and into 2000's...
Demons, gods, you name it--
Question: IS anyone seeing anything like this in todays publications?
seeing that folks are attending the 2019 assemblies- has anyone noticed a change in the second question re baptism?
Sorry Finkelstein - I worded that incorrectly - did anyone hear the second question being asked re baptismal question to see if it has changed..
yes, bible prophecies suggest that there would be disasters during “the conclusion of the system of things,” or “the last days.” (matthew 24:3; 2 timothy 3:1) for example, concerning our time, jesus said: “there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.” (matthew 24:7).
that from their website this morning.. i see how they've morphed (by interpretation) food shortages and earthquakes into virtually all bad happenings today.. i'll bet if the "blue bonnet" (one elder's fractured pronunciation of bubonic during a public talk, using it not once but three times) plague, one of which happened nearly 700 years ago -- was going on today, it would be a sign of the times.
after all, it "caused the death of 60% of the population of europe".. no natural devastation like that seen since..
Blondie - I watched a doc recently regarding earthquakes = they obtained actual records from the government source USGS.. and actually ran the numbers showing there has been increases in earthquakes. There is also an app re earthquake activity world wide and it gives daily earthquake activity.
The doc was
THE COMING CONVERGENCE and another - TWO DEGREES/POINT OF NO RETURN. Both are very interesting and gives a lot of good scientific information and natural information as to what is actually happening all rolled up into a few hours worth of viewing.
If no one has seen them, its a good watch.
yes, bible prophecies suggest that there would be disasters during “the conclusion of the system of things,” or “the last days.” (matthew 24:3; 2 timothy 3:1) for example, concerning our time, jesus said: “there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.” (matthew 24:7).
that from their website this morning.. i see how they've morphed (by interpretation) food shortages and earthquakes into virtually all bad happenings today.. i'll bet if the "blue bonnet" (one elder's fractured pronunciation of bubonic during a public talk, using it not once but three times) plague, one of which happened nearly 700 years ago -- was going on today, it would be a sign of the times.
after all, it "caused the death of 60% of the population of europe".. no natural devastation like that seen since..
you must not have experienced the warm up to a's such fun
yes, bible prophecies suggest that there would be disasters during “the conclusion of the system of things,” or “the last days.” (matthew 24:3; 2 timothy 3:1) for example, concerning our time, jesus said: “there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.” (matthew 24:7).
that from their website this morning.. i see how they've morphed (by interpretation) food shortages and earthquakes into virtually all bad happenings today.. i'll bet if the "blue bonnet" (one elder's fractured pronunciation of bubonic during a public talk, using it not once but three times) plague, one of which happened nearly 700 years ago -- was going on today, it would be a sign of the times.
after all, it "caused the death of 60% of the population of europe".. no natural devastation like that seen since..
Don't forget, Nostradamus was also predicting this and the Vatican itself, has texts that - allegedly- speak about the end, so much so that they will not release it, to the best of my knowledge.
Not to be a damper but WT is not the only one.
seeing that folks are attending the 2019 assemblies- has anyone noticed a change in the second question re baptism?
Seeing that folks are attending the 2019 assemblies- has anyone noticed a change in the second question re baptism?
last night was the co's visit.
prior to his part, an elder had a part on following theocratic direction.
it was about our congregation being deleted (there are 2 sharing this hall) and the people and territory being divided up to the 4 other surrounding ones.. they say it is not about numbers but about making best use of resources.
Distinct possibility.. apparently there are two actions and due to info from a poster, they have combined - last dollar value _ $66 million and lawyers were asking publicly for more abused folk to contact them.
No one mentions ANYTHING about this in the hall... there are those who are in the loop and some that are fading slowly because of it in other congs… One day assembly in the spring showed a lot of empty chairs where they were mostly full last fall. Donations were down when report was read.
Chairs have been removed in regular hall to tighten up empty chairs and force pubs to make it look like its more in attendance. We are in a wait and see situation..
last night was the co's visit.
prior to his part, an elder had a part on following theocratic direction.
it was about our congregation being deleted (there are 2 sharing this hall) and the people and territory being divided up to the 4 other surrounding ones.. they say it is not about numbers but about making best use of resources.
Don't form any emotional attachments- don't listen to Joe cause he is unstable when he speaks about new system, don't get too close to Mary, she needs helps at her home, So let's break up the congregation and get $500,000.00 for our legal fees that we need.
They are breaking congregations up for safety sake at this point -- scrambling peoples heads when they have to start over -- people don't like this, especially women....ever feel out of place?? Its happening now all over the place with these congregation moves.
This event is taking place all over Canada - from the west coast of B.C to the Maritime Provinces as far as Newfoundland;; 4,000 miles wide as the U.S.. to give you an understanding as to how wide this country is. Hundreds of halls - going, going, gone. and they are being so loving and kind for doing it....(sarcastic)
i have just heard from a visitor to the jehovah's witnesses convention for 2019, that they have been told; 'not to form an emotional attachment to their pets, as animals don't have feelings anyway'.. well, that should break a few children hearts!👨👩👧👦 🥴 😭 💔.
my orignal topics are at.
further info:.
Can I say this is just a crock! Who are these people anyway? If you have a belief system based on scripture, then its almost automatic… these animals were to be shown respect as creations of God...they are always preaching about having animals at peace in the " new system" bear, lion, snake, -- this is just weird that they will get into someones mind about this and for me, when this is mentioned, I am going to laugh and see what the reaction is around me....
Look into an animals eyes and see the "wisdom" they have,, they do cost money -- food, medical- but they are worth it in so many ways- police, disability, pal, friend, protector... the list goes on
this weeks meeting features a video about maintaining kingdom halls.
it mentions a few times, how kh belong to jehovah, and are dedicated to him.. anybody ever wondered, if they belong to jehovah, how come, they are being sold all the time?
can you give something to jehovah and then take it back?
ITs a buildup to sell off.... same thing in our meeting.. I could have screamed -- they are gathering the troops to keep a location viable until a buyer comes along. Ours is up for deletion and few know about it.. no signage -- they do it privately- and I was wondering the same thing, --they opened with a song that dedicated our halls to Jehovah... schmaltzy song, emotional.. did the video and a talk with the hall co Ordinator as to what was done in recent hall spruce up - electrical, visual, outside, inside...
Read the monthly expense report and now we wait for the shoe to drop. They may keep the cong, intact just to receive their monthly forever mortgage and donations... and still say there is a congregation to be included in the annual numbers...
Oh well, if they divide the cong to two other halls that are 30 -45 min away... bye bye… the winter weather here is awful and not up to driving let alone any blizzards or flooding that happens along the way....