There is an excellent doc on tonight regarding the Cancelled Air Flights that were in mid air when all travel was stopped in USA and they were diverted into The Canadian Maritime provinces and how the air traffic controllers brought in those planes -- over 8000 passengers into their homes and towns and supplied them with food, clothing, all needs taken care of - when Pres. Bush closed down all air traffic coming from everywhere - I Believe 224 planes landed in a matter of hours...everyone had beds and home to stay in called 9/11 Cleared for Chaos on Discovery channel tonight
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
Do You Think People Have Forgotten About 9/11?
by minimus inafter all these years, it seems to me that people do not properly take note of what happened on this date in 2001. for some, it’s like nothing major happened.
for me it is a day of reflection..
The impact and consequences of being born into the jehovahs witness cult.
by RayoFlight2014 inhi from new south wales australia.
fyi , it's tuesday 10th september 2:36am here.. i am categorically not going to blame the cult for every poor choice.
i am conscious of the fact that i was at a genetically determined disadvantage academically; i was never going to be outstanding in my achievements, no matter how hard i tried.
RoF- OMG! YOur experience and those of your family so closely look like mine and our children. Even the 1963 time frame...
Its sad, very sad, that the consequences of that faith?? brought so much pain when the premise is hope and love.
It is so profound that only those who have had their minds "cleaned" of the night terrors of Armageddon, the standing outside a classroom, not having close relationships with the kids in the community, no real joy of giving other than the good news? - not being involved in communal/sports affairs to learn to give and take.. its just so remarkable you and others have, at least, found some way to adapt- others do not and wear their pain on the inside for their lifetime as one of my kids is doing. It makes them sick, I see it as a PTSD syndrome- reliving every little thing that destroys them from the inside.
He too, was never baptized and I really appreciate that now, as I can talk with him and listen to the pain and have him near me rather than living apart and knowing he is so hurt.
Good for you, you have attained only what I wish for him... give love to the rest of your family and know that it was done because we believed it was the best thing that could happen... even when people at the door told us we were brainwashed, we never believed it - and now years later, know that what was said, was true.
Secondary fulfilment to prophecy?
by Doug Mason inin its use of the prophecy contained in nebuchadnezzar's dream (daniel 4), the wts applies a "greater fulfilment" beyond its initial application.. while they complain about the wts's action, at the same time these people make their own secondary applications to prophecies, such as with micah 5:2. these people also find "greater" meaning to historical statements, such as at isaiah 9:6 and at isaiah 53.. such passages had their local meaning yet people are prepared to find their "greater application" which suits their ends, just as the wts does.
it is not an excuse to say that the nt writers indulged themselves in the practice.. i am not saying that i agree with the practice; i am simply seeking consistency and integrity.. doug.
I agree with Rickroll - several years ago they did not want anything applied - type/ anti type but since then they have BEEN RELIGIOUSLY DOING IT..
Same about talking about the new system.. we should not assume, we were told - yet on the platform the next year, teenagers were talking about what they were going to do and what would be there.... double talk is all the society does to further confuse an already confusing situation...
Watchtower appeals the lawsuit in Quebec (Canada)
by yalbmert99 inwatchtower appeals the lawsuit in quebec (canada) french:.
Thanks Yal, had not heard much so that is a good bit of info
Few observations made at the RC
by Crazyguy2 inonce again the mention of jesus was or has been very little this truly is an old testament cult with some sprinkles of pauline writings to help them in their doctrines.
i also noticed how mixed up the congregations are at this and probably other rcs.
some of the local congregations are here near the rcs site but also ones almost 100 miles away as well , yet other local congregations are not scheduled at this time.
Funny u should say that about all the love and that in the congregations. The study today was on that particular topic, I did not go but am still waiting for a phone call to see if I died. I was tied in on line though and did not miss the important message to care for those who are in the congregations....
Holy spirit indwelling
by Ding inis it your understanding that any jw can have holy spirit indwell them or is that an experience a part of the anointing that the wt teaches is reserved for the 144,000?.
please provide references if you can..
The GB themselves at the 2012 Annual Meeting said that " we dont have a hole in the "ceiling" to determine what a scripture means,,, if they cannot reach agreement (is holy spirit working?) they put it in a drawer and sometimes in upcoming months/years, they may come to agreement as to what the scripture means. You would think that as acting as the all knowing , informed, chosen ones, that they would know - just like prophets of old would when angels visited them or God spoke directly to them, not re writing the bible to suit their objective.
On Petition For A Writ Of Certiorari To The Court Of Appeal Of The State Of California, Fourth Appellate District, Division Two
by lastmanstanding inhas anyone read and considered the watchtower’s final submission to the supreme court?.
gag.. also, have you read and considered the final submission by zalkin?.
it’s interesting for sure.. zalkin hammers it home.
They are arrogant- no different than politicians, they work like politicians, have a gaggle of lawyers, accountants and pr firm to downplay the terrible abuses
They flaunt all the early law cases they successfully won over the years yet hide what is going on now-- how they fought for Rutherford and the boys to get out of prison, what a victory! How they fought for freedom of religion and choice for the society -- what a victory! Went to courts around the world - won their cases -plastered the holy spirit and Jehovah as the winners and decrying the legal authorities as the devil of this system---but the worm has turned and they are being made to pay big time...
Holy spirit indwelling
by Ding inis it your understanding that any jw can have holy spirit indwell them or is that an experience a part of the anointing that the wt teaches is reserved for the 144,000?.
please provide references if you can..
By that I mean, they use the "" holy spirit"" inference as they want to use it.. since the writing department has full sway over moving the publishers will to get things done..
Holy spirit indwelling
by Ding inis it your understanding that any jw can have holy spirit indwell them or is that an experience a part of the anointing that the wt teaches is reserved for the 144,000?.
please provide references if you can..
Looking back to 1989 August 15 it states that Jesus is the mediator for only the 144,000- anointed Christians, yet the 2007 QFR answer to this question was and I quote"' However, anointed Christians do not demand special attention. They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special "insights" beyond what even some experienced members of the great crowd may have. They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the other sheep have, nor do they expect special treatment or claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed elders in the congregation.""
Plus lowly pubs have always had it mentioned that as we study, holy spirit clarifies things and where two are gathered, holy spirit is there.
I do believe the society uses the holy spirit issue to obtain their objectives, using it when they want and discouraging it when they need.
Last Thursday's Meeting in Elmira, On
by newsheep ini had gotten a phone call from a brother who was really upset.
he said there was a resolution passed that everyone is in agreement to the selling of the elmira hall.
the strange thing is at the congregation picnic an elder told him that a few years ago the deed to the hall was signed over to the org.
When the letter was read about the new Global Assistance program - I did not raise my hand in approval. No explanation if it was tied in with the forever mortgage resolution, which it is not, is for 12 months or lump sum.....and I am so sick of the constant cry for money - just bold faced lies as to what they are doing with the huge amount they are receiving, but now with B. Anderson and Google reporting on the New York situation re abused ones, I can see where they are scrambling and this could be the death knell for them.
I know now that I am marked because of not raising my hand.