IF, If, If there is a huge amount of people going through the tribulation, what's chances they still have the same gene, dna, rna disposition - same as Noah and his family from Adam - and carry that right on to the new system- which caused havoc. and humanity carried out its "deeds" right on through to today? Noah was to be the start of a new world too!
Then with that scenario. the new system would be reaping havoc until the 1000 years and then satan is let loose???
The society is constantly changing its mind when it comes to an unknown..they themselves say they are not prophets, 2012 annual meeting - they have not light of inspiration, they shelve a scripture until later, if its fulfilled, then they can piece it together.... so revelation is it! NO more, nothing to interpret as it stops short by saying new scrolls will be open - I guess thats when we know what will be, will be.