I do IT was a shock to some in the hall, today's living who knew and studied that article must think they were brainwashed
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
" Millions Now Living Will Never Die" Ray Franz Thoughts from " Crisis of C "
by flipper inof course this has been hashed and re-hashed as all of you know the feb. 15th wt is re-directing jw's to read the title of rutherford's talk as " millions now living may never die.
" however in reading crisis of conscience a second time - i found it interesting to see what ray franz said about this quote.. remember he wrote this book in 1983 , so keep it in mind when reading his quotes about this " millions " quote.
on pg.
Young "Elders"
by XBEHERE inever since the annual meeting last october and the letter to bodies of elders stating that "exceptional young men perhaps in their early 20's could qualify for appointment as elders.." it even states this in the updated elders manual!
have any of you pimo's, pimq's, or those on here with family/friends still in hear of any young men being appointed as elders yet?
i am talking 21, 22, 23, 24 etc.
So let's go a little easy on the 10 year old newly baptized male in the car group of mom and three other sisters.
Now, according to all thats holy- according to WT, this kid is no longer mom's boy, he is now a male in charge of the car group and now has the say in what territory they can work ? and mom has to wear something on her head to have a study with him?
What a way to get the male youth, giving them that power and understanding at an early age- not knowing that is placing women in low esteem and needing a male lead!
Second class stepford wives
Joined an online meeting incognito
by joey jojo ingot a link for a zoom meeting and thought id share my experience about the mid-week meeting.. guessing about 100 - 120 in cong.. 50 on zoom, only 8 with cameras on - all elderly.
watching from a detached point of view it's so obvious at how it is nothing but a glorified sales meeting, all designed to promote the org.
inspirational videos about how everyone can/ should do more to help with projects, in particular how to look after the kingdom hall, complete with bar charts showing levels of achievement to aspire to.. interestingly, tonights book study is about alcohol..
With all the push for more brothers to step up, it is almost a joke in that the meetings are now mostly video. Human participation is much less then ever and yes, people are still on zoom or phone due to age, illness or no masking policy, that the society pushed along with vaccinations so early on. D to D starts next monday in earnest - the recent assemblies show many seniors gone but baptisms still going on.
I do not hear such words as research, family study anymore- it seems to be a grade 3 level of study, nothing in depth, no real "meat"- parroting a sentence or two of what was just read. Most women give something that is a touch emotional, but anything of context is now lost, never to return. Research is a WT produced piece, something coloured by their own thinking processes out of the HIGH COURT of men backed by legalese.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses view faithfulness to Jehovah as being equivalent to faithfulness to the Governing Body?
by Vanderhoven7 ini thought this was an interesting response to the question.
"being faithful and loyal to god implies or includes.
being faithful to your spouse (hebrews 13:4),.
yes - very strong with single women unfortunately,
seems to be a need there for support- that they do not really receive from a human touch, so go strong for spiritual , emotional comfort
PEW research says that 65% of pubs are the women,, yet still second class citizens
Predict JW life in future
by ExBethelitenowPIMA ina sister said the other day at the ministry group “”what is all this talk that the end is still some way off” she said she has been waiting for decades and she was told there is no way it would take this long.
some others said in an annoyed kind of way yes they would have made different decisions decades ago if they knew the end still would not have come by 2023.. how will the majority react in a few more decades time when the end still hasn’t come?.
why all that talk of sense of urgency decades ago?.
Came the day AFTER Oct 1975 that I decided we were going to get jobs that would pay pensions- so after securing a few jobs to cover us off, my mate decided to go for a job at a large corporate and I decided to go to an international company.... to say the least, it was the best choice we made. From the time the articles were written regarding the end of the 6000 year reign was coming to a close in 75, and those who truly believed, sold homes, furniture, left jobs to pioneer - my mate being one who left a government full time position to do so, we answered the call and did prepare. Prepare for what never came! NOT thinking of - "No man knows the time, even Jesus"... how blind were we - apparently worse than the world who lives in darkness, or so to speak. We were under a spell - that was a rude awakening for a lot of people. When we got the good jobs, we were invested into their group pensions, savings, share privileges, and continued there until retirement. Was that Jehovah's help for us in finally waking up? Was that our start knowing these men who sit at a table, control and form mindless followers? Those who did as they were told, never received an apology from the organization that they ruined so many lives, NO! "it was our misunderstanding," they said, those who were ""faithful" to believe, were called 75's and laughed at by those new ones who did not understand. What a joke to perpetrate on us! I spoke with two elders who were saying how sick and failing are the older ones in the congregation - I could not help but say" yes, they are, and the Society said that ""MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE!" and yet Here we are!.
They are all dead and gone from that era (Rutherford)... and since then this organization controls minds even more, yet the spell continues..
All hell breaking out in jw land now this!
by nowwhat? inhttps://wgntv.com/evanston/shots-fired-by-66-year-old-man-in-alleged-financial-deal-gone-wrong-evanston-police-say/.
Vidiot- ur pict is funny- good one on Lett. I cant watch him - his niece says he does not look or speak that way when around family... drama queens! Actors all!
All hell breaking out in jw land now this!
by nowwhat? inhttps://wgntv.com/evanston/shots-fired-by-66-year-old-man-in-alleged-financial-deal-gone-wrong-evanston-police-say/.
I remember a sister who had been coping for years, mentally distraught, df'd, committed suicide..... no elder or ms from her hall attended or gave a talk- yet she grew up in the congregation, father was an elder once.
Myself and many others from several cong attended though, we are not to judge those who have gone through so much, yet the so called judges did not attend. Later the org comes out with somewhat of a change of direction in SFOG book re suicides-- too little, too late there are those elders and ms who still would not attend even with the SFOG direction- every congregation seems to be either too liberal, grey areas, or too strict - some would not even allow kids to go to skating parties, etc.
And they wonder???
JWs and Prepping
by TD inthe jws i know (which admittedly are more liberal than most) are suddenly into prepping to one degree or another.
some have simply assembled "go bags" with basic common sense supplies in case they need to bug out in the event of a natural disaster and others seem to be seriously into it, almost to the degree to which mormons are.
backup generators and a year's supply of food and water).
Where do you live? You sound like you have a well run congregation!
Can I go where you are?
Go bags - a necessity in this day and age.
Elders know you when service time is required if you forget to call/text/email it in. However, since congregations have been designated to combine with other congregations, the halls that we were always told to run to if crisis arises, are being sold off. The grand new huge buildings in the US were also mentioned to run to, really? I live in Canada, I am sure that when turmoil/crisis/natural or otherwise happens, I and all others will not be hiking it to the US or Ontario to get protection. Majority of most congregations are seniors now since those now living will never die- but wait, that was back in the 30's. That promise is long gone and now, how can they move, how can they run..... food for thought.
I hope you are well in body and spirit cause you will be the first in line to help those in need with that attitude. Keep it up!
Scriptures That Bothered You as a JW Kid.
by Sea Breeze inmy big one was: .
20: 5 "but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.
OMG Seabreeze- what an eye opener to prove the org wrong in that they say Michael, the archangel is Jesus!
How many times have I read that and NEVER got the point of what it said!
Michael was ONE of the archangels, there are others in that position Gabriel for one-yet the org picked Michael to be "Jesus". Did he(Jesus) --as all in heaven and earth was created by him, create Michael who then became Jesus? how controverted in that?
Jesus created Michael who later became Jesus- am I wrong in that answer- according to org, yes- according to logic, no!
What Is happening to watchtower This days?
by Hellothere ini'm a believer.
believe in blessed or cursed.
what is happening to watchtower is my question.
All Hell Breaking Out in JW Land- actually