thought she did quite well - as a witness against the society!! Maybe that was her plan all along...
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
What happened with Dr. Applewhite's supplementary report? Mistery solved
by Viva la Vida in542 on 16 august 2015, dr applewhite wrote to the legal representative of watchtower.
australia and advised that she was unable to prepare a supplementary statement due.
to other commitments.
Is the elevated tone of the G.B disappearing..
by The Rebel inand with it the language in the w.t loosing its authority?.
i ask the question because, with the g.b now appearing before members on their social media, and reluctantly on royal commissions my opinion is :-.
a) the g.b can no longer hide like wells's invisible man.
They have left themselves out to dry, and showing they are no spiritual people, Herd is the latest to show his face and give a sad update on the state of affairs regarding the dismissal of the Bethelites, special pioneers, etc.
BUT he did mention the money keeps flowing in -- of course - should he have told the truth, it would have greatly disappointed the R&F - Notice that he did not say those leaving would receive anything for their years of hard work! A loving brother indeed.
My RC hearing brought forward. Will be in two weeks
by umbertoecho inthrough this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
Elders are not trained to handle social and psychological issues - they are window washer, truck drivers, work part time, no college, no real social skills to deal with abuse or mental illness crisises.
The WTBTS can be mentioned along these lines as they constantly berate those who want a better education, threatening to remove elders and MS if their child goes to college - so how in ....... can they deal with child abuse or emotional/mental illnesses????
How Many JWs Really Believe Everything They Are Told?
by minimus ini think that 80% of jws do not truly believe in what they are taught .
the vast majority stay in because of family, friends, ignorance and a lack of caring about any of the facts regarding the "truth".
many people are lazy.
I know a few "laid off" from the society and they don't think its cruel.. they BELIEVE it is for the greater good -- the end is near - they have been told they are needed in the field and do all they can towards that end.
They are leaving in increments.. the newer first, middle - next then the oldies last from a span of 1 month to 3 months - without anything, without money, without jobs to the congregation for support if they don't have family.. No kids to help... those in their late 50's or 60's may not have parents to help them..... they need work, a job, furniture.....
They are as brainwashed as I would say 65% are today....
My RC hearing brought forward. Will be in two weeks
by umbertoecho inthrough this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
I do think the child abuse issue and two witness rule will be their downfall... God did not want the Israelites to sacrifice their children to false gods, yet the society is causing them spiritual, physical and emotional harm - what more they cannot do.... it is a crime and I am sure it will be called to account - which seems to be happening now.... and from all places- the world.........who ultimately seems to havemore compassion than the truth
Yet there isn't a whisper about it within the congregations, there was a time when we talked back and forth among ourselves but the society has them so wound up about time of the end and all the things happening now with the society,the cutbacks, the preaching cause end is near --- people are being side tracked from main issues such as the CA issue
My RC hearing brought forward. Will be in two weeks
by umbertoecho inthrough this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
Don't know if it was mentioned, but what about getting rid of the two witness rule - no one will be invited to a child abuse that would not be enjoying it.... and they don't testify on themselves
The two witness rule was about adults;;-- not children
Which bible character do you hate the most?
by Bonsai inthe more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
The Levite Priest who sent his wife out to the trolls to be raped all night and then she died on the doorstep, he took her body and cut it into 12 pieces and sent a piece to the 12 tribes.
Then blamed it on someone else.
Little Thought for Lurkers, oringinal sin?
by Diogenesister injust one little thought....adam & eve ate the fruit from the tree "of the knowledge of good & evil". other words, before they ate they did not know right from wrong...hmmmm so how can you blame someone who does not know right from wrong?.
for a crime to take place in human law you must have the act - 'actus reus' - and the guilty mind or 'mens rea' as it is termed.
Insight Book may say that but - Jehovah put a cherub in the Garden to oversee it - hence Satan -- Ezekiel 28 refers to King of Tyre and also The cherub that walked on the holy mountain covered in precious stones who was beautiful.... Interesting chapter
So apparently he could not have been bad in heaven or he would not have been given that position on earth.
Reasons for doubting.
by New day insomebody mentioned in a recent topic that they had a conversation with a former elder whose breaking point was when the overlapping generation was highlighted in recent times and how he would never serve again until somebody gave him a scriptural reason to believe it.
i am in a similar position.
i have gone in the last 18 months from taking the wt study, leading fs groups, and doing talks on the mtngs to doing almost nothing, as i resigned a little over a year ago as an elder due to a combination of family responsibilities and huge doubts.
Probably your wife would go along with you eventually as the caring slows down from the sister(s) and she may want to cling closer to you - if not already. It is definitely hard to go from door to door to do cold calls on strangers and it would be somewhat of a scary thing for her if she is that shy. To leave what you have known is a scary place too. As you know people will shun you IF you write a DA letter to the congregation so a slow fade or a move to another area may be an answer. Do you have kids who are tied to the truth as well? If you have an extended family in the truth , sometimes a new home or apartment whatever, may be the answer so that you don't have guilts... and that is a bad thing for a long time. The truth, no matter what you feel, will stay unless you have a strong will.. It life changing in many ways to leave - just be prepared and pre plan before you do. -
An elder bought my son a suit
by Clambake ini guess being two months old and coming to the kh in his onesee was kind of offensive .
how rude of me.
i am thinking about returning to him.
this could have been a heartfelt gift, however, keep the kid in what you can take care of, diaper changes, milk spilled, upchuck, whatever -- tell that guy appreciate it but its not the time. Does he have kids, if not, he doesn't know what he is doing...
Don't be afraid of him, he is just a man and as the WT says an imperfect one at that!! Love that line.
If your in the truth, they don't mind their own business - its a "family" - everyone knows everyones business and talks about it to others.