Probably your wife would go along with you eventually as the caring slows down from the sister(s) and she may want to cling closer to you - if not already. It is definitely hard to go from door to door to do cold calls on strangers and it would be somewhat of a scary thing for her if she is that shy. To leave what you have known is a scary place too. As you know people will shun you IF you write a DA letter to the congregation so a slow fade or a move to another area may be an answer. Do you have kids who are tied to the truth as well? If you have an extended family in the truth , sometimes a new home or apartment whatever, may be the answer so that you don't have guilts... and that is a bad thing for a long time. The truth, no matter what you feel, will stay unless you have a strong will.. It life changing in many ways to leave - just be prepared and pre plan before you do.