Don't know if this was mentioned, but with all the technology today, and with worldwide participation in the letter writing, I would assume names and locations of all individuals may be placed on a list??? With Russia wanting to take in other countries, would that not be a boon to their locating everyone they wanted too? When the previous letter writing campaigns took place, there was not any way tracking would have taken place, today life is not private anymore for anyone..
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
Two (circumstantial) lines of evidence for the real motivation behind the Russian lobbying?
by doubtfull1799 in1. in bro sandersons latest video (in which he shows a very impressive skill with russian) he mentions two likely results of the imminent russian ban: the liquidation of the branch office and its assets, and the individual brothers capacity to worship freely.
no prizes for guessing which one gets mentioned first!.
2. why have the gb never attempted in the past, and are not interested in attempting now, such a letter writing campaign in other communist countries where the work is under similar restrictions, like china, or vietnam?
YMCA ? Are we allowed to go there or not?
by Quarterback inhalf of our congregation goes there to work out because of the good pool facilities and prices, and the other half think that it's wrong due to it's old charter.
but no one is enforcing the wrong or right of it.
i'd be interested in knowing how this is being applied worldwide.
No Zumba either --
Hey... didn't the WTBTS ( or isn't) join the UNGO?? Did they have to take and oath when they did?
Is it just me??? or WHAT, our latest Book study book Imitate their Faith
by dugout inis it just me or as my wife says it doesn't matter.
just curious.
need your thoughts please.
They use all kinds of "buzz" words - evidently, likely, it is thought, probably, it is understood, and on and on..... yet ANY comments made at meetings do not pick up these words - they state them as fact, never indicating it is only a presumed wording...
Its in every WT or Awake or whatever... take a look at the new Jesus book - all white that I can see as well. Page 34 - all apostles were white -- no trace of brown or black.... these folks were Jewish - some would have been darker that others, even living in the hot areas of the world as they were would indicate they would darken down -- better then me trying to get a tan under the tanning bed light....
Feeling rejected
by Esmeralda001 injust a little disclaimer: english isn't my first language (i'm from france) thus the poor writing is the situation: i'm not a jw.
however, i'm in the process of becoming one.
in fact, i'm studying with the jw's, and i'll proceed to become an unbaptized publisher as soon as i finish the first make a long story short i was introduced to the truth when i was 18een.
I also meant to mention, you do have to be thick skinned if you want to get along, as those who hurt you are to be your brothers and sisters and you really have to be forgiving and loving and accept apologies or try to forget they have hurt you. They go on their merry way and probably will never change but Hey!! aren't we all imperfect?? (sarcastic remark) -
Feeling rejected
by Esmeralda001 injust a little disclaimer: english isn't my first language (i'm from france) thus the poor writing is the situation: i'm not a jw.
however, i'm in the process of becoming one.
in fact, i'm studying with the jw's, and i'll proceed to become an unbaptized publisher as soon as i finish the first make a long story short i was introduced to the truth when i was 18een.
The sister is probably mad at you because you are getting a good education to be a medical professional, hence making more money than her kids, more security pension wise, better furniture, better self esteem than what her children are going to obtain as they are being told to pioneer and get a part time low end job to support themselves in these "last days"---- and you are a shining example of the opposite - so she has some axe to grind against you.
There will always be those types in the congregations - the love that is mentioned is apparently a choice for those who feel entitled to discredit others.. Tread carefully. This is from someone who is in a congregation. They will smile, pat you on the back, etc. but you are a single person - if a male you will get a wife, if a female you will search for a JW husband who can tell you what to do as he will be your head- male JWS are in short supply.
You appear very spiritual, this is a good thing, however, please do some fact checking about the Australian Royal Commission report that is on the Internet. Read it very objectively. You will gain some insight as to what you are getting into. But on the other hand, this may be what you want and if so, it definitely is your choice to make.
Why didn't Jehovah know the flood wouldn't work?
by OverlappingGeneralizations inthis has been something that is bugging me lately-.
jehovah is all knowing.
he knows that to do away with evil, he has to do away with satan.
Satan was still walking around in heaven in the book of Job and entered right into the company of Jehovah and the angels-- how many years was that after the flood?
3 More BOEs just arrived!
by Atlantis indelete if already posted.. .
.. re: 2016 convention invitations .
.. re: 2016 conventionslocal needs item .
Question - its says to attach your congregation number to obtain information on the site.. can they track you on that sight by your IP address???
With a congregation number they know or narrow the location and IP address can be checked, can it not?
What happened with Dr. Applewhite's supplementary report? Mistery solved
by Viva la Vida in542 on 16 august 2015, dr applewhite wrote to the legal representative of watchtower.
australia and advised that she was unable to prepare a supplementary statement due.
to other commitments.
thought she did quite well - as a witness against the society!! Maybe that was her plan all along...
Is the elevated tone of the G.B disappearing..
by The Rebel inand with it the language in the w.t loosing its authority?.
i ask the question because, with the g.b now appearing before members on their social media, and reluctantly on royal commissions my opinion is :-.
a) the g.b can no longer hide like wells's invisible man.
They have left themselves out to dry, and showing they are no spiritual people, Herd is the latest to show his face and give a sad update on the state of affairs regarding the dismissal of the Bethelites, special pioneers, etc.
BUT he did mention the money keeps flowing in -- of course - should he have told the truth, it would have greatly disappointed the R&F - Notice that he did not say those leaving would receive anything for their years of hard work! A loving brother indeed.
My RC hearing brought forward. Will be in two weeks
by umbertoecho inthrough this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
Elders are not trained to handle social and psychological issues - they are window washer, truck drivers, work part time, no college, no real social skills to deal with abuse or mental illness crisises.
The WTBTS can be mentioned along these lines as they constantly berate those who want a better education, threatening to remove elders and MS if their child goes to college - so how in ....... can they deal with child abuse or emotional/mental illnesses????