I took a little time last night and did an overview of the years from 2012 to 2017 and found that the number baptized was 1,630,722 - amazing!! I would say 50% minimum were born ins.
I then took the average publisher numbers from that time and based on what the average publisher is in 2017, the difference missing is 920,734 because the difference from 2012 to 2017 is only 709,988 showing some growth.. where did the rest go???
That is a short 5 year period.... even though they show increases year to year, overall there is a huge loss and it cannot be contributed to deaths. Look at the number of elderly on the floors each assembly -- and those in the seats above that are in their 40-60's range...
The org has drained the pubs for years and for the 2012 Annual meeting to state they have no hole in the ceiling when it comes to knowing anything and they need thousands of kingdom halls to accommodate the GROWING CROWD- the only way the numbers explain that is to show congregations are growing - but sadly they do not (scarcasm) show the brick and mortar locations as they are combining congregations to 2 -3 congs per hall and selling off the assembly and meeting halls.
Wake up those still in - there is a contracting of bodies -(and buildings) this is no different than scientology who own more real estate and have more money than the Vatican ( not really) but close!