If you look at countries were a ban is on, Muslim countries, -(growing at a rate of 32%)
you are looking at 35% of earths population ( estimate )that has not "heard" of Jw's. This is not a world wide preaching work- impossible! So they upbuild the congregations by calling it a name that is a MISNOMER.
According to PEW Research 2017 - earth population was 7.7 billion - deducting Russia, China, NK, Phillipines, just some of banned areas we see 3.1 billion where bans are occurring, ( there are more) leaving a total that receive the" good news" of 2.8 billion. For the WTBTS to say the good news is a worldwide work and needs money to continue is incorrect. For there to be ONLY 281,744 baptized in 2017 (and mostly born in at a tender age) with 8.5 million ?? doing the work, does not make sense.