Good one FUJW
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
Preaching the Good News with Rising Gas Prices?
by truthlover123 ini fear this could put an end to travelling a territory due to rising prices- where i am located in canada, we are now paying $2.08 per liter .
now since there is 3.79 litres in one gallon that equates to $7.88 per gallon... .
how many in a car group will kick in?
Preaching the Good News with Rising Gas Prices?
by truthlover123 ini fear this could put an end to travelling a territory due to rising prices- where i am located in canada, we are now paying $2.08 per liter .
now since there is 3.79 litres in one gallon that equates to $7.88 per gallon... .
how many in a car group will kick in?
I fear this could put an end to travelling a territory due to rising prices- where I am located in Canada, we are now paying $2.08 per Liter
Now since there is 3.79 litres in one gallon that equates to $7.88 per gallon...
How many in a car group will kick in? or will they stay letter writing and zoom service work?
Help please.
by lastmanstanding inrecently, in the past few months, and this only applies to in dubs who might have taken note, the watchtower study edition made a change.
it mentioned the “warning work” where dubs are going to march around and proclaim everyone is going to die.. anyway, this article said it was now only a possibility, not a sure thing.. i can’t find it.
did watchtology change it already?.
Hailstone messages is what they have been saying... have not heard of "warning" as such but who knows? I am sure they will give it to the pubs at the 3 dayer this year.
Date of Adam's "Creation?
by Slidin Fast inhow do jws resolve these conflicting facts.. 1. no matter how you spin it, bible chronology calculates to circa 4000 bc for adam's creation.
i followed the trail many years ago and that's what it adds up to.. 2. the most cursory investigation of any branch of relevant science puts man's habitation on the earth as hugely earlier than that.
it's now so well-proved that anyone disputing it is guilty of wilful ignorance.
Gen 2:1-8 indicates everything was already done when Adam formed and put into the garden. So the ancestry of the human family began to be recorded at that time taking all the descendants ages, etc. into account hence the ability to get the "creation" date as around 4026 BCE when backcounting.. If Adam was "made" outside the garden as it indicates, the instance when he was placed in the garden would be the start of the creation date, would it not? Then why does it state, that he was outside prior to the garden? How long was he outside? Yes I recognize it states his age at death but then that is looking at the days, seasons, years set up to mark time as we know it.
Scientists today state the earth is about 4.5 billion of years old -prior to scriptural info what was there? Timelessness, no markers, as the seasons and days and nights became the time markers as we know them today.
Just a thought- need some more insight
8 Year Old Can Decide If They Are Transgendered
by minimus inso says joe biden.. anybody agree with this?
Have an acquaintance whose son feels he is a woman yet is a fully equipped male with breasts, sloppy, introverted, very smart yet totally relying on his parents.
Its very sad to see him not living his life as a teenager and non committal on any type of relationship. What will happen I feel, is a total breakdown, lot of psych work just to breathe.
How did this all happen? Any kids brains are not developed until early 20's yet taking on this kind of thinking at a young age due to pressure from so called liberal adults , does not allow the brain to develop in its due time. Schools and advisors are at fault in a lot of these instances, taking part in the pressure, one more avenue for adults and supervisors to impact on growing childrens outlook - 8 hours a day. (Science class, school libraries, sex ed)
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
by Simon inso the marvel multiverse ... it's a bit of a mess.. there is another multi-verse move though that's worth checking out.
michelle yeoh is brilliant and kind of half plays herself (you'll understand when you see it) and so is key huy quan who is the now grown-up actor who played the little chinese kid in the indiana jones movies.. it's funny, it's moving, i've seen it twice and, well, i still can't really describe what it's about or fully understand it.. the description used while it was in production was that it's "the story of a woman struggling to do her taxes".
which is technically accurate, i guess.
Michelle is a world renown martial artist... can't see her not putting her best foot forward. Can't get the series unfortunately.
Jesus is Michael the Archangel
by Fisherman inonly jesus has the power and authority to defeat satan and kick him out of heaven:.
“now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our god and the authority of his christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our god.”.
The son was a god, the word was a god, he takes instructions from the father- there are at least 8 verses indicating he is sitting at God's right hand - He is the mighty god the father is the almighty god.. Michael is ONE of the archangels along with Gabriel. Michael was the Prince over Israel.
There is no way Jesus and Michael are the same.
Date of Adam's "Creation?
by Slidin Fast inhow do jws resolve these conflicting facts.. 1. no matter how you spin it, bible chronology calculates to circa 4000 bc for adam's creation.
i followed the trail many years ago and that's what it adds up to.. 2. the most cursory investigation of any branch of relevant science puts man's habitation on the earth as hugely earlier than that.
it's now so well-proved that anyone disputing it is guilty of wilful ignorance.
I backtracked as well years ago and a few years back finally saw where Adam had been created outside the garden of eden- he was placed there after it was created, so that leaves me stymied as to how many years was Adam outside the garden, pushing back years of his creation into what time period?
Hello Everyone
by JohnPaul inhi everyone i would like to say hello to everyone,.
i just started attending kingdom hall about a month ago now and am doing bible study with a brother..
JP- Its good you are reaching out to learn more about the bible. However, it is the watchtower you will study, learning what directives to follow of an organization that does not recognise the holy spirit now. This changed a few years ago when baptism wording took the holy spirit out of the baptism talk and replaced it with loyalty to an organization- which we know now, makes wrong decisions, and disloyalty to them means you are following a man made organization that regularly wants money and real estate so it can get volunteers to refurbish and then sell, holding monies for themselves to do "God's Work". They smile, they love you to death when coming into the org. but at same time, break relationships you now have with friends and family- and maybe that is what you want - but the org wields the Bible to their own use and once in - if you transgress, you are taken to a committee of three, and if you dont repent, your out. You are shunned by all congregation members and on your own. My son who was never baptized, receives the same as he grew up in the org, but never baptized. You are marked and believe me, crushed to know what you though was truth, is not. Study the bible on your own, go to a library and check history, learn- teach yourself, that is what the bible wants you to do. The Beroeans did this daily.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Can I ask what is the big deal about this pervert? He has so many making comments, don't you think he loves to read everything being written. To give him this attention, why?