Welcome and I hope not intrusive with my answer, as I see it-
You sound very strong and capable for standing up for yourself. It's always a denial to think that when the abuse starts, things can be your fault and "if I try harder, it will get better." To go to the elders? No, they will tell you to stay with him and he will concoct a good story, but leaving out the mistress part, saying you are at fault and need to study and pray more
It sounds like he continued seeing his mistress and abusing you to try and get you to leave, of course, citing that you left him and the elders would see you as "Spiritually sick" and poor him! If you did that, you would have abandoned your home and would be at fault.
Did you keep pictures? Have you contacted government services to report these issues? You need to get someone on your side as apparently, his daddy has money and lord knows who he knows...
How can they cut your off a joint account? Did you speak with bank manager?