I actually discovered this site after searching for info on persecutions. As a person studying with J.W's and as a person actually raised by one, but who fell away, I would just like to remind you guys of the love that is in our congregations! Yes, so many of us have had embarrassing situations arise, however, the loving kindness of our brothers allows these little embarrassments to be forgotten. We are of course, all imperfect, and well, a fart can slip its way out accidently...or perhaps intentionally! It's an immature christian attitude that finds this amusing. But guys, why I'm really commenting is, this site disturbs me. I have read the articles on Ray Franz etc and am deeply grieved that so many have taken his words to heart and fallen away. Jehovah has his means of protecting his word, though many have tried to discredit or distroy it. And there are always new interpretations coming to light, as Jehovah has told us, we would receive food at the proper time. Therefore when we are able to understand and grasp the scriptures in their proper light, it is revealed to us. I spent years hating J.W's and blaming them for my child abuse, as yes, even I was abused by a friend of the family, who could only have been a J.W, but who my mind won't allow me to remember. I am not bitter anymore, I have realised that it is purely this system of things and the days we are living in. This does not mean I excuse the behaviour, but I leave it in Jehovah's hands to mete out the judgment. After all, we humans are famous for our error!!!!!! And Jehovah, cannot lie
JoinedPosts by Ramona
most embarrasing thing ever at a meeting ...
by alliwannadoislive inhey ... i'm just getting into the swing of this great 'apostasy' thing right ... ?
... i thought y'all out there might well have a story or two to tell, so ... plz tell me tell me tell me about the most embarrasing thing you ever saw at a meeting ...