larsguy you are a deeeeoooooooooope
JoinedPosts by randawg
The "Coming" Anointed
by kes152 inlarsguy said:.
"if your messiah didn't appear in 1992, kes, then he ain't coming, or at least he's not the one promised in the bible.".
so tell me... where is that messiah that appeared in 1992?
Gleaning at Bethel
by Black Man inwant to see bethelites act like greedy scavengers?
just check out the tail end of bethel family breakfast, lunch or dinners.
for those not familar with this phenomenon, gleaning was when bethelites could basically bring their tupperware dishes down and store up on the leftover meals once the family was dismissed (usually by prayer, except for the bethel dinner).
come qwerty, im sure you got some good dish lets hear it
Gleaning at Bethel
by Black Man inwant to see bethelites act like greedy scavengers?
just check out the tail end of bethel family breakfast, lunch or dinners.
for those not familar with this phenomenon, gleaning was when bethelites could basically bring their tupperware dishes down and store up on the leftover meals once the family was dismissed (usually by prayer, except for the bethel dinner).
yo black
you got me laughin so hard i could hardly type go on preachin brotha -
WTs new light on being anointed???
by JUSTAMOM injust read this in the latest wt july 1st 2001 page 11 par#14:.
"if we live according to god's word, we receive jehovah's holy spirit.".
there ya have it.. all ya need is a bible, live it and your anointed.. they now determine who receives holy spirit.. wow!.
you know
could you please give me the definition of "accurate knowledge"? -
Im new hear, alot of heavy ideas being tossed around, If you feel joining this org feels right then join, for your own heartfelt reasons. Religion/beleif system whatever you call it,if this is tugging at your heart seriously through prayer and meditation you will find the Almighty God the Bible says "seek me and you will find me".That is a FACT.Searching religion association for reasons other than your own salvation,is what is called "kidding yourself". Daniel ther are good witnesses out there, my mother is by my definition a great Christian she happens to believe in the Jehovahs Witness doctrine and the bible that "they" beleive in the New World Translation. Thats ok I still love her dearly. I say this as a testimony to my mother because of struggles of raising two boys in the org by herself with no help from the congregation. I happen to beleive in a bible that is different from my mothers.My mothers NWTtranslated bible has been around for about 75-100years,my bible has been around alot longer, is my bible translated better I think so,does it make it better its a matter of what you comprehend in your deep feelings of the heart. The NWT rejects the trinity because of there "founders" thoughts again a different translation, "the word became flesh and walked amongst us" these are very hard words to refute in the Greek language ,John pulled out all grammitcal stops to get this word out. The deity of God has been challenged way before the witnesses were thought of.So to think theres one argument better than the other here dont try to discern that. I, like other folks here have experienced things in life we chalk up to wisdom when it comes to the org but this is our own opinion.To be foward with you,you really dont come off very sincere in your statements, I hope you find God someday, when your ready. -
Dateline program?
by MoeJoJoJo inbefore i became a registered poster here, i was reading someone's post that mentioned an upcoming dateline program that was possibly dealing with the org.
can someone tell me if this is true and if it is when does it air, or did i already miss it?.
"plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
hi s.lamb
what is the basic content of this dateline program is all molestation, i hope its done well without mudslinging You know the org/my parents will just explain away -
by Kathy ini hope you'll indulge me for a few minutes here.
i've been reading this board with great enthusiasm for a few weeks now.
i must say i am so impressed by the depth and breadth of experiences all of you are sharing.
being raised a jw till 16yrs old 20years ago Ive just recently accepted Christ as my savior, personally I believe in a truine concept of God. From reading and researching scripture,Matt 1:23, Mark 1: 10,11 - Acts 1:4,5 -Romans 5:5,6 John 1:1-4,9,10 Im new to this forum, its interesting I agree with the others here you wont get much support for the trinity. The trinity is a small issue when you look at the whole jw doctrine, or start with asking who translated there Bible, false prophecies,and why they cant continue to use there own bible really if this person just investigates a little into the WBTS(Bible makes no mention of it) they should recongnize, beware of a organization that cant be questioned and has all the answers -
new Poster--Finding out I'm Adopted
by WhatNow ini'm a "long time listener", "first time caller".
i've been eavesdropping on this site for a couple of months now, trying to detach from my beliefs engrained in me for forty years (since birth).
i've finally got the time and the ambition to share my story with you all, since you've so gratiously shared your story with me (electronically).. i'm a 4th generation jw, or perhaps i should say "i was a ..." (old habits die hard).
whatnow its great to here when another person steps out of the org I stepped out in 1980 and am just now comming to understand the powerful grip of the wtbs this is a great forum for people trying to make sense of this terrible misdirection of faith. I felt over the years unworthy of religion because I could never live up to there way of serving God with all there rules. Once you start to scrape the surface of there doctrine it will start to unfold.I just had to prove to myself through bible study to show the mistakes of there bible once that happens you'll feel good about getting out from under the rule of men. God is for everyone,keep praying and reading I found 1 John, and John great books to build faith NIV not the NWT take care
Scriptures that may change my life
by lookingnow22 ini feel the need to ramble.. as some of you may have detected, i at times have doubts and questions about the personality and qualities of god and the bible.
however i am still clinging to a good amount of my faith in their goodness.
this is why i am now, as some of you have in the past, studying deeply and looking for myself into what the bible says.
First you must put down dont use any of the Jw books they are from a org that does NOT recongnize JesusChrist for what he is. Its amazing once you start your seach in full earnest ie. heart mind soul You WILL find God the bible says so it is a personal relationship,dont be afraid to pray to find him you will.The Jws doctrine is tightly wound around the word of God. A half truth is still a LIE. Remember the devil represents a angel of light(false hope) he is the great deceiver he wants his followers as well and he does have them in many forms. Alot of Jws mean well they just dont realize they have been mislead from the begining. Just look at there bible phrases changed ever so slightly insert a word here and there capitalize this and not that how can you trust a org that cant even tell you the names of there bible translators they have there own bible you cant argue there scriptures a few mistakes and contradictions yes but they will just explain them away.Just remember Jesus said " my kingdom is not of this earth". Also what can the hands of men do for me". Keep looking and praying
by Amazing inwhen jws are angry due to some injustice their 'organization' has experienced, they allow themselves to have this anger and label it "righteous indignation".
but ... when ex-jws are angry, the society calls it 'gnashing our teeth in anguish, whinning, bemoaning some defective spiritual condition, or mad-dog apostates.'.
now, the time has come for ex-jws and really anyone not associated with the jws to have righteous indignation as the watch tower society and its leaders are going to face public examination of their dirty laundry.
seeing these reports and hearing of this grusome crimes against children. It makes me think back of the cong. I was raised in. was any of this going on then. I remember this one guy having to sit in the back of the hall because of a marital um miscue I guess he was dfed then again they the elders seemed so upright like they were just perfect