JoinedPosts by Christiana
Gems from the August 15, 2011 WT
by Ultimate Reality inpdfs can be obtained at spiritual gem #1. perhaps witnesses should apply the standard the wt recommends for gathering information on the internet to wt publications; from page 4:.
(1) who published this.
Does anyone want any old JW literature?Like reeeeally old...
by aquagirl inselling my mums dad was an elder for like 30 years.he had copies of every jw publication ever.multiple copies of some of this ready to burn it in a bonfire,but it occurred to me that it might be valuable in like,research,orlaw suits or such?if anyone wants anything in particular,let me know,if i have it,its yours!just pay the shipping fee{el cheapo book rate}..i noticed every yearbook, and also the bound volumns of the wathctower and awake,all the way back to the middle of last century.let me know,if not,there will be a large bonfire in early september...hehhehheh.
Who Are Doing Jehovah's Will Today-Text!
by Atlantis inwe also meet together at our kingdom halls to study the bible and to worship.
find out more.
(sidebar: where does the money go?.