I personally do not believe in the concept of secret sin. Afterall it is apparent to me that if there was a creator of sorts he has done nothing to fully inform us how to contact him or how to really do what he wants. He never talks directly to anyone so either so a secret sin seems a bit far-fetched.
However, with the JW mindset in which Jehovo is watching all the time the concept makes sense. After all He knows you told a lie, but somehow watching big breasted asian lesbians getting it on then going in the bathroom and beating off in a sock without telling your wife or the elders appeared to be worse somehow.
Stuckinarut I think maybe you are under the impression that I adhere to that train of thought, but I do not any LONGER. I always considered myself to be a person of high moral standards which is why listening to songs of a certain type caused me to want to repent before JEHOBO, I then felt so guilty that I felt unworthy to even pray. That circumstance sparked a change in me that caused me to look at why I felt that way.
There is no need to apologize for being blunt. It is a discussion board and I hope that part of the reason people come here is to express their opinions and possibly change them based on the experience of others. Pretty far-fetched I know.