I have to disagree in regards to everyone knowing your business in Bethel. Many of the people that I knew were involved in all sorts of things that no one really talked about much. THere was consistent and blatant drunkenness in the Henry Street and Sliver buildings. Many of the younger bethelites while I was there were involved in offsite basketball tournaments.
A lot went to clubs as well as Houston street although we were explicitly told not to. One major area of separation from the generic things going on were the people that worked in the 25 - 30 buildings that was called the office complex. Very weird things happened there. I would say that people working in those buildings probably make up the largest portion of ex-bethelites due to the crazy things they saw going on in there.
He is currently in Texas and I live In NC, but I am hoping that we can get together shortly. I have met up with a few others I was there with that left however.