While I do not believe the bit about pulling people into secret rooms in the tunnel (everyone has access to the tunnel and although there are rooms in it and access doors they are not secret), I am sure some attempts at channeling and such foolishness were probably tried by people there.
I saw some of the strangest things in my brief time there that were just as strange I would say. Back in the time I was there I remember some of the other black brothers that were there were heavy into bowties and the use of elegant words. Bowties not only worn by the black brothers but there was a small group that wore them and spoke VERY VERY eloquently. Most from Chicago and surrounding and NY. They were very standoffish too.
I hung out with one of them playing basketball and a few months later invited me to a post-family study watchtower study. I went and while I was there they had all of these extra books (not WT literature) and they were cross-referencing with this and that. Way more than I was ready for. And they were all calling each other "god". I was like WTF.
Some of them ended up being kicked-out. They were combining 5% and Watchtower teachings and NOI stuff. I will admit it was the first time I actually learned that the NOI and the founder William Fard Muhammad used Charles Taze Russell teachings as the bases for early NOI doctrine. WTF
There was talk of brothers using wigi boards. In the library in the 25-30 building there were Qurans and various other spiritual books and I saw a Book of the Dead in there as well... weird shit
Bethel had the looniest, craziest groups of witnesses you ever did meet. Many of the older brothers there were blatant racists, some actually spoke about their own ideas of how teachings could be refined etc...
THe place was full of people who were seeking something, and willing to try anything