Does anyone remember Aulacino or however you pronounce his name saying... "you know how to remember my name???? Just think, ALL I SEE I KNOW"
there are many terms used at bethel that might sound foreign to normal people.
there are many words or terms used at bethel that are unique only to their organization.
here are just a few of them.. “a jack” this is someone who is a slacker or just lazy.. “a pot licker” this term has been used for many years but its connotation is unclear.
Does anyone remember Aulacino or however you pronounce his name saying... "you know how to remember my name???? Just think, ALL I SEE I KNOW"
i was reading another thread about the new gb member and it got me wondering if anyone knows someone who partook of the emblems at the memorial even though they knew they weren't 'anointed' just to see what reaction they got?
did they get questioned by elders?
did people start treating them differently?
There was this one sister who had been sucking the genitals of a local brother and lost priveledges and put on reproof. While she was coming back she started dating an older brother who had his own issues but was twice her age.
Once she got priveledges back she started pioneering and like a year later she was all of a sudden anointed. NO ONE BELIEVED HER but they were all scared to speak
there are many terms used at bethel that might sound foreign to normal people.
there are many words or terms used at bethel that are unique only to their organization.
here are just a few of them.. “a jack” this is someone who is a slacker or just lazy.. “a pot licker” this term has been used for many years but its connotation is unclear.
Heavy adjective or "A heavy" used to describe someone with prominence or status at Bethel.
my turning point: serving on a child abuse judicial case.
Wife needed to perm hair for circuit assembly demonstration...
anyone here into guns.
i know alot of the euros here hate the idea but i wonder if there are any other members who are collectors or who are into hunting, target shooti g etc.. no shame zone?.
_Morpheus no worries, the question was open to anyone who felt they could discuss the topic and didn't feel so concerned about semantics.
Thanks for letting everyone know why you didn't bless us with a response though.
4 of them, for protection - James Jack
Handguns or long guns James Jack.
anyone here into guns.
i know alot of the euros here hate the idea but i wonder if there are any other members who are collectors or who are into hunting, target shooti g etc.. no shame zone?.
I lived in Florida which is where I acquired the majority of my collection. After moving to North Carolina I began hunting a lot more so I acquired more rifles and collectibles. I like things that make loud noise and I have a lot of space and a lot of wild game as well as predatory animals that could feed on my livestock so I use most of them now in one capacity or another.
I do not have a single individual in my circle of friends who thinks background checks or preventing felons from owning guns is a good idea in any way shape or form. However, they all feel they are gun nuts in the sense that they love collecting and utilizing them in one fashion or another. We live in an open-carry county that is extremely rural and most folks carry "snake guns" and shotguns or rifles in their vehicles. Guns are as stated by others considered tools here and it isn't going to change. Some people are fanatics for collecting music, cars, or ceramic turtles. I would consider gun nuts the same. Generally, very touchy folks and young college kids consider people who call themselves gun nuts to be irresponsible gun owners.
anyone here into guns.
i know alot of the euros here hate the idea but i wonder if there are any other members who are collectors or who are into hunting, target shooti g etc.. no shame zone?.
Freemindfade... what state are u in
anyone here into guns.
i know alot of the euros here hate the idea but i wonder if there are any other members who are collectors or who are into hunting, target shooti g etc.. no shame zone?.
Indeed he is... There is just something sexy about 12 gauges... the versatility is amazing.
I prefer Mossberg but I was recently gifted a benelli. I killed a turkey with it a few days... Nothing like a wild turkey breast.
anyone here into guns.
i know alot of the euros here hate the idea but i wonder if there are any other members who are collectors or who are into hunting, target shooti g etc.. no shame zone?.
I like guns like my friends like cars. The majority of my guns have never been fired, I'm talking 90% of them. I collect antique guns etc... not into the military weapon such as ar15 etc but I understand why so.w do.
I go to the range a few times a week though because target shooting is really a huge past time for me. I do however live on a large property and have to deal with vermin and animals occasionally.
eldub that get stuck on a word!.
over the years i have been around a few, that if a "big" or "unusual" word or phrase is used at the assembly or by a co/do, to stress a point.
then eldub "somebody" will use it at every meeting, if they can find a way to squeeze it into a part or commit.. most of them get over it after a few meetings.
There was an elder in my old Florida hall... brother White...
He use to say behoove at every opportunity In and out of context. I hate him for it