Recovering I think you would be pleasantly surprised to find out that there were a number of black communities following reconstruction throughout the South as well as the North that held lots of wealth, land, and successful businesses. What usually did them in were poor / middle class whites that took advantage of the racial power they had to destroy these communities.
You really need to understand that Marcus Garvey was not actually on the level of a klansman. Wikipedia is one of the worst places to go in order to get a nuanced understanding of history. Garvey preached self reliance of blacks. He sought to take the teachings of Booker T. Washington to another level. He spoke of blacks not relying on the system or blaming others for their deplorable state and that the time had come to move along and build their own schools, businesses and wealth and stop waiting for handouts.
If you actually researched the meeting he had with that klansman you will see that he speaks about the fact that the Klan said what they meant so there was no hypocrisy where as most whites act as if they care all the while they tried to take advantage.
I am sure you wont want to read it, but the philosophies and opinions of Marcus Garvey explains all of this