There was alot of standing water after the flood.................
Insects and arachnids are vicious creatures and we should be glad they are so small otherwise we would all die the most horrific of deaths
i’m watching a discovery movie about the mosquito.
scientists tell us that mosquitos are the most dangerous creature on earth.
nothing kills more than the mosquito.
There was alot of standing water after the flood.................
Insects and arachnids are vicious creatures and we should be glad they are so small otherwise we would all die the most horrific of deaths
specifically if an unwed woman decided she wanted a kid without the hassle of dating/relationship /trying to get pregnant etc and just got a sperm doner with ivf?
surely it's not fornication?
the whole process is far removed from sex.
Disfellowshipped... that looney watchtower about it woke up my wife
has anybody seen the new online bible study yet, just posted yesterday i believe?
it's the first thing you see now when going to the home page.
the online bible study lessons on are free, have no obligation, and are easy to use.
This is actually a pretty major development...
at least in hindsight it would appear so.
i remember as a small kid not making friends because ultimately they were going to die.
i never saved anything because money would be useless in the new world.
at least in hindsight it would appear so.
i remember as a small kid not making friends because ultimately they were going to die.
i never saved anything because money would be useless in the new world.
At least in hindsight it would appear so. I remember as a small kid not making friends because ultimately they were going to die. I never saved anything because money would be useless in the new world. I never made plans for the future, etc...
Even as an adult witness those things were still in the forefront, but even as a pioneer you knew one slip up and you were no longer on the list. Bethelite... 90 day review, then 9 month review... then everyday thereafter you had to be on your best behavior or you would be kicked out. For god's sake, even if you were put in a nice room at Bethel you had to consistently live in fear that someone who had literally 1 day seniority more than you would bid on it and kick you out with a week.
As an elder, you see a nipple on the internet and your whole life is destroyed...
You literally live your entire life waiting for something and all the while thinking what if I haven't done enough. It is a constant state of worry, a constant state of fear, I almost wonder how people can continue to put up with it. Obviously I can think that way now that I am no longer in, but Jeez that shit is horrible.
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
Which reminds me of another old adage: "If you meet OrphanCrow on the road, kill him."
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
was it just me or did it seem that brothers who were known as "heavy" often curse and do things that would shock people just for the fun of it. I remember Br. Sydlik use to use foul language on a regular basis as well.
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
We are assuming he had dementia based on his unorthodox actions. I think being a Governing Body member is like a lifelong office. Jehobo is supposed to protect their minds I suppose...
The thing is after being at Bethe and having the unfortunate position of cleaning their offices before I was banished to another job these men were just like anyone else you would meet, they were just somehow bestowed with massive massive amounts of authority.
Some were Gluttons, some were vulgar, Br. Barry loved to touch any female that approached him. He was the ultimate creep. These are Christs brothers...
has anyone been able to verify that fred franz received the minimal training in ancient greek that he claimed gave him the expertise to translate the bible?
you would think that would be fairly easy to verify or disprove in this day and age.
what college did he attend?
I believe he went to college, but not sure if he graduated. I think he took Ancient Greek I, and Ancient Greek II then just let Jehovo whisper the rest to him from his brown shoes
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
So OrphanCrow how long were you a Jehovah's Witness... just wondering LOL