Stan, you are encouraging a current jdub to stay one and live a life in which he remains one. Sounds like field service to me.
Sounds like your life would be better if you just went back
hello my exjw/pimo/pomo friends,.
i am working on penning my da letter and wondered if i should use it as a tool to maybe wake up individuals as the boe will have to read it.. anyone have any advice on what i should say versus what i should leave out?
i am not going to fade as my family can either be loyal to blood or loyal to a man made religion.
Stan, you are encouraging a current jdub to stay one and live a life in which he remains one. Sounds like field service to me.
Sounds like your life would be better if you just went back
hello my exjw/pimo/pomo friends,.
i am working on penning my da letter and wondered if i should use it as a tool to maybe wake up individuals as the boe will have to read it.. anyone have any advice on what i should say versus what i should leave out?
i am not going to fade as my family can either be loyal to blood or loyal to a man made religion.
You realize that everyone who is telling you not to do what you want and not to play by the orgs rules are literally still Jehovahs Witnesses and always will be. That is fine if that is what you want.
I Da'ed. My wife followed and my children. I sent messages via mail and facebook and more than a few were impacted and left and are now on this site.
We don't have to sell our homes or hide daily activities to be our genuine selves.
Neither do I have to look over my shoulder.
Do what you want, what is best for you, but avoid the fearmongering
hello my exjw/pimo/pomo friends,.
i am working on penning my da letter and wondered if i should use it as a tool to maybe wake up individuals as the boe will have to read it.. anyone have any advice on what i should say versus what i should leave out?
i am not going to fade as my family can either be loyal to blood or loyal to a man made religion.
Yeah stay a JW forever and spend your life hiding out and being someone you arent.
katie hopkins was a columnist for british national newspapers.
she is warning the united states to stop the illegal migrations before it turns into her home in london.
she is having to flee her home country london because of the culture and social change immigrants have made in her county.
Here in NC things are a bit different. As I stated before I am a farmer and I employ only citizens. I pay $15 dollars an hour. Many of my counterparts hire illegals who actually make more than what I pay.
In a 3 year, you will see these individuals with a mobile home and/or a vehicle that they OWN. They have a child who is a citizen which means that foodstamps and Medicaid come into the home.
Most work on H2A farms which guarantees 12 to 15 an hour, no taxes, no housing costs, no transportation costs, no food costs mandated by the government.
After 10 months they let the visa lapse and they say here putting away close to 15gs a year. They open grocery stores, churches, and buy land. Meanwhile the people I employ still struggle
katie hopkins was a columnist for british national newspapers.
she is warning the united states to stop the illegal migrations before it turns into her home in london.
she is having to flee her home country london because of the culture and social change immigrants have made in her county.
Most people are not aware of just how good and easy many illegal immigrants lives are when they arrive. If they knew how fast they elevate their lives and excel beyond native residents there would be a much larger uproar, and patience would run thin.
I always tell people, get to know one of these folks. In 3 years they will have everything you have worked your whole life for and in many cases more.
I laugh when I see struggling moms crying and bleating over these poor people. Meanwhile they receive more assistance than she does
what a shame that the streets of san francisco has turned into a s hole.
i wonder why this is happening.
any ideas?
I'm not sure, I guess it would depend on what they are consuming. I cant imagine an abundance of Corona really benefitting the growth of rutabagas
what a shame that the streets of san francisco has turned into a s hole.
i wonder why this is happening.
any ideas?
I live in a very rural where the hispanic population has increased by 1100% in the last 25 years. I am also a farmer, who has 0 illegals on my land.
With that being said, I have witnessed them urinate in rows while picking. I have seen them BM on the edges of fields. I have seen entire truckloads stop on county roads and pee in full sight of women and children. I could go on... but why
what a shame that the streets of san francisco has turned into a s hole.
i wonder why this is happening.
any ideas?
Amazing that San Francisco and chicago etc... have literally thousands of homeless children under 18 that are actual Americans that people wont help...
Yet they shed real tears and provide shelter and clothing for illegals at every opportunity and want more.
People allow central american children and families live in their homes yet walk right past homeless children who come from generations of tax paying families
they say it will be out any day soon.
do you think the report will do major damage to trump?.
Please bring on Mike Pence. He is Trump on a cocktail of meth and jesus juice.
Let Pence get rid of abortion, revoke gay marriage, and have all women making men sandwiches and bringing them slippers after a hard days work.
Maybe just make ilhan omar or AOC president so that we will be run over by so many immigrants that the cou try will become a welfare state that is so broke that all the central americans will leave
it has always baffled me, if earth and it's inhabitants, are god's sole sentient creation (aside from the angel's and demons) along with the animal life, why create such a vast galaxy, along with billions of other galaxies, with their trillions of stars and planets, etc.
what's the point?
our galaxy surely would've been enough, in a great void of blackness.
Since the earth is his footstool maybe the other planets serve as ottomans for the 144000