Anony Mous, just because people do not want to directly tell you that your posts are often off target does not mean that you are making sense. You keep equating Black People as a whole with BLM. Then when you get caught you try to nuance your comments to appear as if you are just making comparisons as opposed to equating the two groups.
- more black people robbing whites which would imply the reduced enforcement (because BLM protests) is increasing crime - but criminals don’t racially profile nor are the attacks about robbing people (where are you getting these numbers??? Over what time span are you considering? Quickly run google something ) What is the reason for the uptick in hate crimes? Do you think that is happening as well?
- black people are increasingly racist (which is directly in line with BLM ideology) Again, you are acting as if all of Black America is behind the BLM movement and protests when this is not the case. Again, the majority of BLM protestors and vandals in the worst hit areas are fucking white liberal kids and anarchists. You even have police in these areas stating this over and over and over. However, it doesn't fit the narrative you want to create and push so you ignore that.
- political groups are directly attacking those that do not agree with
them (again, BLM is the only ideology that does encourage this) Again are you fucking serious. The majority of these attacks taking place are by anarchist groups and right-wing groups. Black people are right back to killing one another over foolishness like stepping on each others new shoes.
Your statement that BLM is just white people is false - Again you are lying hoping people will just listen to you. Members of the police forces in multiple cities have stated this. Even Foxx news has pointed this out. You told a bold face lie when you stated I said that BLM is all white people. You lied. Period. No one is selecting photos to show sparse numbers of black people. As I stated in MULTIPLE posts I went to a few of these protests. The vast majority of people are white liberal kids. Most of them are from outside the fucking community and even state where they are protesting.
I am sure you aren't going to watch it but atleast it is FOX so hopefully you can bring yourself to.
We all get it, you think BLM is horrible. MANY people do myself included, but you are saying things that show you care more about pointing the finger at black people than at BLM.