Jehovahs Witnesses have rules. Dumb rules but they have rules none the less.
If the person doesn't want to follow them then they need to leave.
If they won't leave then they will be put out.
yup - person has done nothing wrong.
but they have called a judicial and from what i can tell refusing to wear a facemask is bothering them more than the person not turning up.. so is this new light?
if you have been called to a judical please remember to stay safe and wear your personal protective equimpment.
Jehovahs Witnesses have rules. Dumb rules but they have rules none the less.
If the person doesn't want to follow them then they need to leave.
If they won't leave then they will be put out.
yup - person has done nothing wrong.
but they have called a judicial and from what i can tell refusing to wear a facemask is bothering them more than the person not turning up.. so is this new light?
if you have been called to a judical please remember to stay safe and wear your personal protective equimpment.
Why dont the elders just hold the committee without the party being there and DF them if they want. This was pretty common practice when I was going. Sister has sex wit 5 guys or brother has sex with 5 girls... we request a meeting and he dodges after multiple attempts the meeting is held minus the person and they get df'ed.
as of october 2020, if you were governor or president how would you handle this pandemic?
Millie210 has the right answer
i belong to a group (best description that i can think of) that specialises in sharing academic papers.
ok, sometimes that provides me with all kinds of interesting material pertinent to my research interests.
but, sometimes, (and since i have not read all of it, i'm assuming its fair dinkum, genuine research) something turns up (not among my usual research interests) that blows my simple brain.. anyway, after a brief examination, my conclusion is this: i think charlie russell would have gone gaga over this research.. the author has named his paper, .
I hope I didn't come off as a dick, lol. Its just I remember reading and hearing this as a youngin and having no way to explain or refute what I was being told and I was upset.
I asked the elders and being the scholars they were simply told me it was lies
i belong to a group (best description that i can think of) that specialises in sharing academic papers.
ok, sometimes that provides me with all kinds of interesting material pertinent to my research interests.
but, sometimes, (and since i have not read all of it, i'm assuming its fair dinkum, genuine research) something turns up (not among my usual research interests) that blows my simple brain.. anyway, after a brief examination, my conclusion is this: i think charlie russell would have gone gaga over this research.. the author has named his paper, .
Hate to tell you this but this info was previously discussed by the 5 percenters as well as John Henrick Clarke when I was in high-school in the early 1990s...
When I get home I am going to try to dig up this stuff from old pamphlets that I read in high-school
given his age and weight, he is at very high risk of needing to be hospitalized.. trump is arguably the most well-protected man on earth, and he got it.. people.....wear a fruggin' mask!.
The numbers have only gotten better for the USA since August. Unfortunately no one cares... it is more fun to act like 25 percent of the us population is dead.
I know already 7 people here who have had corona... none died. They described it as a cold not even a bad one. There are others who have died, I am aware of this but it is definitely the exception and not the rule
given his age and weight, he is at very high risk of needing to be hospitalized.. trump is arguably the most well-protected man on earth, and he got it.. people.....wear a fruggin' mask!.
given his age and weight, he is at very high risk of needing to be hospitalized.. trump is arguably the most well-protected man on earth, and he got it.. people.....wear a fruggin' mask!.
1. Anyone who enters the hospital with any form of respiratory illness at the beginning of the pandemic is labeled a carina patient as I stated months ago from the personal experience of my uncle.
2. The USA is a free country. No one is going to literally be locked down because we are use to moving about and doing what we want... that is what freedom does to you.
3. Most countries are not accurately reporting.
4. The UK and Italy are doing worse percentage wise.
5. The USA isn't top 5 in regards to coronavirus cases that lead to death
6. The us barely cracks the top 10 in deaths per capita
Come on bro
i was wondering if there are any other former bethelites who worked in this complex during the late 80s and 90s who are on this board.
i am asking because it appears this specific set of people seemed to have or experience the worst aspects of that hell hole and i wanted to see if there are any others.
I am just getting back to this thread. Thanks for the responses!
XBEHERE, if you dont mind where did you work in the office complex, or who was your overseer?
All the complexes were indeed bad, its just that some of them didn't expose bethelites to GB foolishness to the degree as the Office. My brother was in Home constrtuction working on Towers and it seemed our experiences were the polar opposite of each other
i was wondering if there are any other former bethelites who worked in this complex during the late 80s and 90s who are on this board.
i am asking because it appears this specific set of people seemed to have or experience the worst aspects of that hell hole and i wanted to see if there are any others.
I was wondering if there are any other former Bethelites who worked in this complex during the late 80s and 90s who are on this board. I am asking because it appears this specific set of people seemed to have or experience the worst aspects of that hell hole and I wanted to see if there are any others