Touche Good sir.... Touche LOL
JoinedPosts by silentbuddha
1975... the year that keeps on giving.
by silentbuddha inso i recently moved back to my really really really small hometown in the south.
it was the place that my parents moved to from a major city up north in the early 1970's.
when we lived here times were very tough financially and i was always told that the reason we did not attend meetings was due to the fact that we had no car / no gas for the car / could not afford repairs for the years we were there.
1975... the year that keeps on giving.
by silentbuddha inso i recently moved back to my really really really small hometown in the south.
it was the place that my parents moved to from a major city up north in the early 1970's.
when we lived here times were very tough financially and i was always told that the reason we did not attend meetings was due to the fact that we had no car / no gas for the car / could not afford repairs for the years we were there.
So I recently moved back to my really really really small hometown in the South. It was the place that my parents moved to from a major city up North in the early 1970's. When we lived here times were very tough financially and I was always told that the reason we did not attend meetings was due to the fact that we had no car / no gas for the car / could not afford repairs for the years we were there. In total they lived there for 12 I was born there and left when I was 8.
I had one friend that I remembered, but here but he has since moved away. We were best friends and his mother and mine were very very very close for a while then they stopped associating. Well, I decided to look this 70-year-old woman up, and I actually found out she lived just a few miles away. So, I went by and believe it or not she instantly recognized me after 30 years.
After talking about how nice the old town was she asked me about my mom. I told her that I wanted to let her know I no longer was a witness and my mother no longer spoke to me so I wasn't really sure. SHe proceeded to laugh and say, "I am surprised she still is! When did she go back?" I said as far as I know we always were. Then the floodgates opened. I discovered things about my family and the lies they told and still tell.
My mother repeatedly told us that there were a few who believed '75 was the end but the brothers never said that etc... etc...
Well this woman told me that my parents told her the reason the moved away from the city in 1973/4 was because they new the system was ending in 1975 and that they:
A. wanted to serve were there was a greater need in the FINAL MONTHS of this system.
B. Didn't want to be in a big city during the great tribulation because it would be unbearable with children
My jaw hit the floor... I have been lied to for years. But the story just got worse. When my mother arrived she pioneered. Then as the months came and went and so did 1975 my parents were very angry and STOPPED ATTENDING. She even told this woman that she put off having more children because of this prophecy and once she realized it was not going to happen that they decided to have another child... which was me a few years later.
They then became inactive and refused to go back. There was also a huge scam that took place with a rather prominent Elder who later became a C.O. and is now a D.O. which I may have to explain later as that story is one our family does still talk about.
Anyway, when my parent's finances got too bad and had to return to their original location after having watched the borg fail in it's predictions, they were forced to go to meetings if they wanted to acquire work with a brother that they knew who would only assist them if they "returned to Jehovah"™.
We shared a bunch of other tidbits and I learned a ton about my parents earlier years that they have totally lied about to all of their children for years. It seems like this magical year of 1975 just will never fade away. It continues to haunt people linked to this deceptive organization.
Even Ron Jeremy Is Accused of Sexual Abuse
by minimus inwhat is this world coming to?.
it seems like everyone is being accused of sexual improprieties!
even porn stars like the hedgehog “.
This reminds of the video of the young woman who wears tiiiiiiiight pants and a tight shirt that is extremely well endowed in both areas and walks the streets of New York looking angry
The sole purpose of her doing it is to shame the men who catchall. It just seems like everyone wants to make someone else look bad or "rapey" just to do it
not a new topic - really a pet peave
by Moster inmakes me crazy:.
there: go over there!.
their: they own it; belonging to etc.. for the love of pete - use them correctly!.
I hate people who complain about grammar and proceed to missssssssspelllllll thangs.
O my bad.
Even Ron Jeremy Is Accused of Sexual Abuse
by minimus inwhat is this world coming to?.
it seems like everyone is being accused of sexual improprieties!
even porn stars like the hedgehog “.
I can imagine owing it then they call the police on me ROOOOOOFL
Even Ron Jeremy Is Accused of Sexual Abuse
by minimus inwhat is this world coming to?.
it seems like everyone is being accused of sexual improprieties!
even porn stars like the hedgehog “.
I got called a pervert a couple days ago because I held the door open for a woman. She accused me of being a pervert and holding the door so I could look at her ass. Gotta love overreactions...
Faded for almost 10 years and still getting random calls
by ctrwtf inhi all, just wondering if anyone is in the same boat.
wifey and i dropped off the face of the jw planet almost a decade ago and still get 3 or 4 visits a year mostly when we are not dressed or expecting visitors.
it's really annoying because we are both wondering why they don't get the hint already.. we don't want to move because we really enjoy where we live and both have careers that keep us in the area.. i've asked politely that they stop calling but like the "godfather" they keep "pulling me in.".
Tell them u r no longer one of jehobro’s widnesses
My ex-bethelite buddy found TTATT through his prostitute friend.
by silentbuddha inso yesterday evening i get an invite through facebook fro a name that was familiar, but i couldn’t place the face.
after clicking on the page i saw a close-up pic to realize it was a friend of mine from 15 years ago at bethel.. when this guy arrived at bethel he was big time.
he was in early 20’s and had given up a job as an engineer at what was one of the largest electronics companies in the world.
There was a small Latin nightspot called "The Bistro Latino" that alot of us went to. It wasn't a club but we all went there because they played salsa and meringue which required dancing close. We would jokingly talk about "wetting our pants on the dancefloor....
My ex-bethelite buddy found TTATT through his prostitute friend.
by silentbuddha inso yesterday evening i get an invite through facebook fro a name that was familiar, but i couldn’t place the face.
after clicking on the page i saw a close-up pic to realize it was a friend of mine from 15 years ago at bethel.. when this guy arrived at bethel he was big time.
he was in early 20’s and had given up a job as an engineer at what was one of the largest electronics companies in the world.
He got in trouble because he decided to tell them he had been dealing with her. From our conversation he said he told them he had been seeing her... not specifically stating anything went on specifically.
Personally I would have at least sampled, but he ended up marrying his girlfriend he was wi th before he arrived at brothel. She also left the org.
My ex-bethelite buddy found TTATT through his prostitute friend.
by silentbuddha inso yesterday evening i get an invite through facebook fro a name that was familiar, but i couldn’t place the face.
after clicking on the page i saw a close-up pic to realize it was a friend of mine from 15 years ago at bethel.. when this guy arrived at bethel he was big time.
he was in early 20’s and had given up a job as an engineer at what was one of the largest electronics companies in the world.
I have to disagree in regards to everyone knowing your business in Bethel. Many of the people that I knew were involved in all sorts of things that no one really talked about much. THere was consistent and blatant drunkenness in the Henry Street and Sliver buildings. Many of the younger bethelites while I was there were involved in offsite basketball tournaments.
A lot went to clubs as well as Houston street although we were explicitly told not to. One major area of separation from the generic things going on were the people that worked in the 25 - 30 buildings that was called the office complex. Very weird things happened there. I would say that people working in those buildings probably make up the largest portion of ex-bethelites due to the crazy things they saw going on in there.
He is currently in Texas and I live In NC, but I am hoping that we can get together shortly. I have met up with a few others I was there with that left however.