I liked you because I thought your avatar was Al Calavici from Quantum leap. I guess I was wrong but everyone one of your posts I always read in his voice
JoinedPosts by silentbuddha
DF’d or DA???
by DATA-DOG inso, i think i’m going to be df’d, but elders are out of town and no decision has been officially reached.
what would happen if i sent a certified overnight letter and said that i was going to disassociate before they have their meeting??.
i know the two conditions are similar, but i’m just curious... dd.
Datadog I applaud you for having the balls to be able to be genuione and admit to leaving. I found myself in a similar situation and DA'ed. Tell the to fack off. Write a brief letter stating the reason why. Many say they wont read it, however my letter led to one of the elders on the body leaving and we now hang out occasionally and he and his family have thanked me for doing things the way I did on more than one occasion.
Confessing puts you in a situation in which you HAVE TO MOVE ON. Good for you and I applaud whatever path you take.
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
OK.... this video is so ridiculous it is on WORLDSTARHIPHOP.com
My big fat fabulous life....
by silentbuddha inseriously, is this what society has come too?
how can there be a problem in this country with morbid obesity and you promote it on a tv show?.
maybe i just don't get it, but i was in a doctor's office and it was on the tv and i literally wanted to hit this woman in the face with a shoe.
I get it people are fat... so.e of them.
However being fat is unhealthy and we should not try to tell people it is ok and blame people for body shaminbg etc... It is as if reality holds no place in society.
The housewife shows I have not had the unfortunate instance of watching. Thank... Dog...
My big fat fabulous life....
by silentbuddha inseriously, is this what society has come too?
how can there be a problem in this country with morbid obesity and you promote it on a tv show?.
maybe i just don't get it, but i was in a doctor's office and it was on the tv and i literally wanted to hit this woman in the face with a shoe.
Seriously, is this what society has come too? How can there be a problem in this country with morbid obesity and you promote it on a tv show?
Maybe I just don't get it, but I was in a doctor's office and it was on the tv and I literally wanted to hit this woman in the face with a shoe.
Fade..... or this?
by Giordano inthere are four ways to leave the 'truth'...... alive............you can be disfellowshiped...... then shunned, you can formally disassociate yourself and be shunned........ you can fade.
the first two words belong to the society, fade on the other hand is defined as 'to gradually grow faint and disappear.
' 'walking away' has it's own negative connotation about one's commitments and relationships.. i think some folks feel uncomfortable with these words.
Those 1st 2 words don't belong to the Society
Spirit Channeling at Wallkill's Bethel
by Marie33 inlook what an ex-bethelite has to say about the spirit channeling he saw first hand up at wallkill:.
now i believe rayven's story of horror at brooklyn bethel:.
OrphanCrow thanks for those links. I never really talked about it much because No one really cares about the MOU. LOL
There was a real presence however at Bethel because most of the black brothers were criticized in their local territories for being a part of the "white man's religion. So alot of them woulkd try to mesh the two. Sit and actually exchange ideas etc.
It was rather interesting.
The most pressing question on people's minds? Watchtower artwork & Paul's Baldness!!!
by doubtfull1799 inwith hundreds, if not thousands, of letters being sent in to the society asking for answers re their child abuse policies and poorly supported doctrines, what does the watchtower decide is the most important question from readers to answer this month?
why is paul always depicted as bald apparently!.
Although it is very humorous and shows just how ridiculous they can be when determining what is important, I find it odd that they point to a Watchtower from 1901, that is suggesting that an apocryphal text is a legitimate source to utilize when trying to siphon out truth regarding his appearnace:
However, there are some indications of Paul’s appearance. For example, Zion’s Watch Tower of March 1, 1902, mentioned one, saying: “As to Paul’s personal appearance: . . . In the ‘Acts of Paul and Thecla,’ . . . written about A. D. 150, there is a description of Paul which is probably the best, and a true tradition. In this he is described as ‘small in size, bald-headed, bandy-legged, well built, with eyebrows meeting; rather long nosed.’”
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (1997 edition) says about that ancient writing: “It is not impossible that the ‘Acts’ contain some elements of historical truth.” The Acts of Paul and Thecla was highly regarded in early centuries, as confirmed by the fact that 80 Greek manuscripts of it exist, as well as versions in other languages. Thus, our artistic presentations are in line with some ancient indications of what the apostle looked like.
Spirit Channeling at Wallkill's Bethel
by Marie33 inlook what an ex-bethelite has to say about the spirit channeling he saw first hand up at wallkill:.
now i believe rayven's story of horror at brooklyn bethel:.
While I do not believe the bit about pulling people into secret rooms in the tunnel (everyone has access to the tunnel and although there are rooms in it and access doors they are not secret), I am sure some attempts at channeling and such foolishness were probably tried by people there.
I saw some of the strangest things in my brief time there that were just as strange I would say. Back in the time I was there I remember some of the other black brothers that were there were heavy into bowties and the use of elegant words. Bowties not only worn by the black brothers but there was a small group that wore them and spoke VERY VERY eloquently. Most from Chicago and surrounding and NY. They were very standoffish too.
I hung out with one of them playing basketball and a few months later invited me to a post-family study watchtower study. I went and while I was there they had all of these extra books (not WT literature) and they were cross-referencing with this and that. Way more than I was ready for. And they were all calling each other "god". I was like WTF.
Some of them ended up being kicked-out. They were combining 5% and Watchtower teachings and NOI stuff. I will admit it was the first time I actually learned that the NOI and the founder William Fard Muhammad used Charles Taze Russell teachings as the bases for early NOI doctrine. WTF
There was talk of brothers using wigi boards. In the library in the 25-30 building there were Qurans and various other spiritual books and I saw a Book of the Dead in there as well... weird shit
Bethel had the looniest, craziest groups of witnesses you ever did meet. Many of the older brothers there were blatant racists, some actually spoke about their own ideas of how teachings could be refined etc...
THe place was full of people who were seeking something, and willing to try anything
Slowly killing them…
by silentbuddha inso yesterday a family friend who was never age overs witness give me a phone call.
he says that he is quite upset with me and wants to give me a chance to explain why i'm treating my father so portly.
mind you i have not seen my father or mother in about 3 years and they refused to talk to me except for the occaisional crazy letter that my mother will send.. anyway my the family friend stated that he spoke to my mother and brother and they both told him that because i choose to leave the religion and in turn separate myself from the family it has caused my 80 something year old father a tremendous amount of stress and she is becoming sick and they're not sure how much longer he will be with us.. shoot felipe nothing they say really bothers me much anymore but the fact that i'm being accused of slowly killing my father because i've decided to make a decision that's better from my own family is actually quite frustrating to me.. give you hours after having of the conversation with our family friend i get a call from my older brother who then begins to be raped me and tells me that i should accept responsibility for the fact that i am the cause of our ejean father's poor health and that leaving jehovah causes problems not only for me but for those who love me.
I was speaking into my phone To type the message and it totally screwed it up. I meant to say a family friend that was never a Jehovah's witness