WingCommander, I have another... it may may top that but it was extremely funny.
Dan Sydlik was my favorite because he seemed down to earth. We played basketball at the gym every Friday and big-belly Sydlik would stand at the entrance and watch us I shit you not wearing a beret and a paint stained white t-shirt.
He said watching the young brothers run and jump reminded him of gazelles and inspired his painting.
Well shit, who knew he was an accomplished painter. One day as we were leaving he invited us to his office to see some of them. It looked like the painting of a 3 year old who was missing a thumb...
He spent the next 10 minutes convincing us how wonderful they were and which painters by he took cues from. It had to be the most epic troll ever... or he was completely delusional.
Sir82... you failed miserably... I like the attempt but you came up short :(