Which reminds me of another old adage: "If you meet OrphanCrow on the road, kill him."
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
Which reminds me of another old adage: "If you meet OrphanCrow on the road, kill him."
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
was it just me or did it seem that brothers who were known as "heavy" often curse and do things that would shock people just for the fun of it. I remember Br. Sydlik use to use foul language on a regular basis as well.
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
We are assuming he had dementia based on his unorthodox actions. I think being a Governing Body member is like a lifelong office. Jehobo is supposed to protect their minds I suppose...
The thing is after being at Bethe and having the unfortunate position of cleaning their offices before I was banished to another job these men were just like anyone else you would meet, they were just somehow bestowed with massive massive amounts of authority.
Some were Gluttons, some were vulgar, Br. Barry loved to touch any female that approached him. He was the ultimate creep. These are Christs brothers...
has anyone been able to verify that fred franz received the minimal training in ancient greek that he claimed gave him the expertise to translate the bible?
you would think that would be fairly easy to verify or disprove in this day and age.
what college did he attend?
I believe he went to college, but not sure if he graduated. I think he took Ancient Greek I, and Ancient Greek II then just let Jehovo whisper the rest to him from his brown shoes
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
So OrphanCrow how long were you a Jehovah's Witness... just wondering LOL
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
Well look at this experience from one of our local posters. Being black I try not to infuse my stories about racism their because truthfully sometimes it is hard to accept. However, this is very telling. And this is the guy I should sympathize with? All of this assuming he actually was diagnosed with dementia...
Ronnie Klineman from Ruston Louisiana. Told me my favorite story about Brother Swingle who was on the governing body. Ronnie set on Lyman’s table. This new black kid was sitting there feeling pretty good about himself as most new boys do.
Lyman said to him. "Boy would you pass me the potatoes?"
The black brother looked at Lyman in the eye and said. "I'm not your boy!”
To which Lyman said, not batting an eye. "Nigger pass the potatoes."
Hard to believe isn’t? Yes, Bethel was not the place to try and be uppity.
This was the early seventies and the “black power” thing was happening. A lot of black brothers went there had a little bit of an attitude. If they didn’t, some pick it up after they got there. I can’t say I blame them.
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
Wakanda I was agreeing with what you were saying, I knew being an ex-bethelite you would understand that no one would except these men were fallible... let alone mentally unstable.
The shock of seeing that after seeing the same man deliver hour long discourses was insane. I remember afterward my assistant overseer Carlos West was like, Bro. Swingell has always done things his own way. So we are use to it.
Like everything else in this org... swept under the rug
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
WingCommander, I have another... it may may top that but it was extremely funny.
Dan Sydlik was my favorite because he seemed down to earth. We played basketball at the gym every Friday and big-belly Sydlik would stand at the entrance and watch us I shit you not wearing a beret and a paint stained white t-shirt.
He said watching the young brothers run and jump reminded him of gazelles and inspired his painting.
Well shit, who knew he was an accomplished painter. One day as we were leaving he invited us to his office to see some of them. It looked like the painting of a 3 year old who was missing a thumb...
He spent the next 10 minutes convincing us how wonderful they were and which painters by he took cues from. It had to be the most epic troll ever... or he was completely delusional.
Sir82... you failed miserably... I like the attempt but you came up short :(
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
How did I insinuate I would do so now? I like you guys. Why would a 19 year old even think that gods organization would have a person with dementia on the governing body? As well as giving hour long discourses as well as conducting the family watchtower study?
Wakanda, I imagine for one second what would have happened if I would have suggested that a governing body member was suffering from dementia while speaking to an overseer. That would have been a bad and move.