ShirleyJW I was quoting a very famous song by James Brown during the civil rights struggles that said those exact words and was used at a variety of rallies to state the feeling of AFRICAN AMERICANS at the time.
When I say black people I am referring to black people who have lineage in this country dating back to slavery. I am not including immigrants and I am definitely not including brown people.
I suggest all black Americans revisit the time period in this country when those brown people refused to be classified as minorities because they viewed blacks with lineage here as beneath them. It wasnt until many in areas such as Oakland etc... realized they were still minorities whether they liked it or not.
Black issues are not the same as brown issues... period.
Many black immigrants from Africa, the Carribean etc... refused to be lumped in with native black Americans because they feel they are better and more motivated.
Ask a Jamaican in Brooklyn if they are African American and wait for the response. Ask a Nigerian what they think about African American culture and prepare for the worst.