North Carolina, the southeast portion.
Beautiful scenery, wonderful people.
i do like the usa but winters suck!
florida has some charm but it gets brutal with heat and humidity.
california is too looney.
North Carolina, the southeast portion.
Beautiful scenery, wonderful people.
she certainly is passionate about climate change.
Well she would do well with a dose of the theocratic school.
She would get a "w" for proper use of emphasis for sure.
She isn't convincing and she is tied to her notes.
Her inability to Express herself without a written speech is sad
she certainly is passionate about climate change.
How is what she is doing brave exactly?
she certainly is passionate about climate change.
Everything about her is annoying... everything.
Her voice and her face both make me want to wretch
...there are very few if any, that i would have willingly associated with.. my 'worldly(tm)' friends are all brilliant people.
they are nothing like the weirdos i had to put up with in the congregations.. what is your take on the people in the jobos as opposed to your associates now?.
Nearly every Congo I was in had a number of people who were highly talented, smart, financially well off etc...
I noticed that the dubs that were poor or emotionally / mentally scared seemed to associate with each other.
I disassociated and many of my friends still keep in touch with me and are members of my blog. One very close friend of mine even came to my vow renewal ceremony.
Most JWs are decent people just trapped in a poor situation.
this is what my children tell me... get over the whole jehovah's witness thing!
yes, they tell me they have gotten over the whole thing and they tell me that and i need to also.
my exgirl friend who was raised as a jw also has said the same thing.. my children say they got over it, however they are quick to point out how messed up their lives are now because of no college education and other missed opportunities.
I might get blasted but I have to say that although I didn't make the best choices I dont feel the years were a waste.
1. Being a JW kept me off the streets that claimed the lives of classmates.
2. It gave me my wife
3. It gave me my children.
4. Say what you chose but the theocratic school made me unafraid to speak in front of people and I was/am far more skilled at public speaking them almost anyone I met. Which helped my career and allowed me to be very successful.
There were some negatives, but at some point you have to realize that had you never been a JW you could have just as easily been fucked up in a variety of other ways
so apparently, not only can people identify as men or women, regardless of reality, but they've now declared that people can identify as black or white as well!
no word yet from rachel dolezal, who will no doubt be declared a visionary, and sadly michael jackson didn't live long enough to celebrate.. i must say, now that i am a black woman, my views on reparations have completely changed.
y'all owe me some reparations bitches to make up for slavery yo.
I was seriously asking because I was wondering if everything was alright with you. Not so long ago your posts were very different..
You needed consoling, you said life had no meaning, you were hurting, and poor, no education, lonely with no companion, music wasn't doing so well, daughter left, you were upset you wasted your entire life in a cult, and you were a depressed nihilist. Il
After seeing your latest posts I was wondering if you were actually a young person trying to fool us.
so apparently, not only can people identify as men or women, regardless of reality, but they've now declared that people can identify as black or white as well!
no word yet from rachel dolezal, who will no doubt be declared a visionary, and sadly michael jackson didn't live long enough to celebrate.. i must say, now that i am a black woman, my views on reparations have completely changed.
y'all owe me some reparations bitches to make up for slavery yo.
so apparently, not only can people identify as men or women, regardless of reality, but they've now declared that people can identify as black or white as well!
no word yet from rachel dolezal, who will no doubt be declared a visionary, and sadly michael jackson didn't live long enough to celebrate.. i must say, now that i am a black woman, my views on reparations have completely changed.
y'all owe me some reparations bitches to make up for slavery yo.
I'm a republican. Voted trump. Tired of people trying to force me to participate in their insane desire to be what they are not.
On the other hand I am not with rounding them all up and putting them in mental institutions.
I remember one of the posters on this board not to long ago stating they were suicidal and depressed over failed music career, children leaving, and failed life because of watchtower.
There was also a time that suffering from depression and voicing those feelings would get you committed as well.
ewart chitty was appointed as secretary-treasurer , which position he held until his appointment to the governing body in november 1974.. when in brooklyn, chitty seems to have preferred younger men as roommates.
the actual charge brought to the gb against chitty was made by a former roommate and involved some sort of inappropriate conduct.
the gb concluded that chitty had homosexual tendencies, and asked him to resign.. a rare photo of chitty in happier days.
I have to admit. I do not look at my time at Bethel as wasted. I was a kid from a very poor area who went to the big city... went to parties... drank alot... became a small time celebrity(bethelites were cool lol) ... mad alot of friends, and ultimately became an apostate at the young age of 22, but didn't officially leave until many years later.
Sure I almost died from toxic poisoning after cleaning out an abandoned food trap at the 25-30 building, but I can imagine there are tons of people who never got to have the same fun I did