Anony Mous
"Groups of black people are shooting at white people and Hispanics from bridges"
If you are going to say this then you might as well say there are many videos of whites and Hispanics doing this to black people. You are a fucking idiot if you believe that only black people are doing this. Do I really need to pull up the multiple news articles and videos of Hispanic gangs that are killing black people, forcing them out of neighborhoods, bombing and setting fires to their homes and killing them through gang violence.
It is one thing when you discuss the black and white dynamic in this country... fine. The second you try to put Hispanics on a plane as some form of picked on or harassed group by black people you have your head not only in the sand but in your ass.
Black people in all four corners of the USA have been attacked and profiled by illegal immigrants and their first and second gen children to the point that even white people have acknowledged it. MS13, the Latin Kings and Suerenos have made a mission of trying to displace black people from their neighborhoods and they are far more violent.
Get the entire fuck out of here with this bullshit