Not going to lie, I am not happy about this at all. Basically my taxes are going to go through the mother... fucking... roof. I do very very well for myself and my assets are being accumulated for my children when I pass. I am disgusted that my tax dollars are going to be taking from my family and used to support some of the 11,000,000 illegal immigrants and DACA kids who have done nothing to deserve the wealth that I have worked so hard for.
I currently employee nearly half a town, and I do not pay a shit ton of federal taxes because I employee alot of people and allow them to stop sucking at the teat of the government. Why should I be punished? Why should my children be punished and have the hard unearned wealth of their black father redistributed to people who broke the law coming here.
Ultimately they will still be well off, my quality of life will still be as expected andwe will able to do the things we want, but now my money is going to criminals who should have stayed in their own countries and fought to improve them.
I just cant wait to see the crying faces of middle class families and working class black women who voted this idiot in as their schools degrade with the influx of illegals, higher gas prices, Obumacare really only helping welfare recipients as the struggle to make money because Bidumb locks down the country again.
The lower-middle class in this country seems to be packed full of dullards who would rather help others than help themselves.