They believe what they espouse and they are truly no different than most other people who become religious zealots for one reason or another. Some of them are very haughty and strike me as the CEO types and they have that same personality.
I will never forget when I was at Bethel and it was the day that the "apostates" protested outside yelling etc...
Brother Sydlik previously had been harrassed on the street by them the previous year. It was time for lunch and the street was lined with folks with signs screaming etc and a few of us new boys asked Sydlik if we can walk with him from 124 to the Factory where he was going to eat. He says, "I'll be fine guys. If someone attacks me or tries to hurt me, I hope they finish the job because my body is weary, and I want to go home to my father..."
The man believed what he was saying. They really think they are going to heaven, just like every other religious person I know, he just thinks he has a special spot.