I am literally minutes from Lumberton... this sickens me
JoinedPosts by silentbuddha
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Scriptures That Bothered You as a JW Kid.
by Sea Breeze inmy big one was: .
20: 5 "but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.
Kill anyone old enough to pee against a wall..
Samson gathering foxes like 30 of them) and tying their tails together, and in the knot of those tails he placed a flame lit torch... then as the torch burned all these wild animals that were tied together in pairs waited for his word to all run in the same direction in an orderly manner to set the place on fire.
It is to me the most unrealistic drivel ever. Me discussing this with my book study conductor in the late 80s as an 11 year old got me labeled.
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
I highly doubt they have removed him over health issues. He would have ro ask to no longer serve if that was the case, which may be why there was no announcement.
Fred Franz was blind, lost his mind and confined to the infirmary for atleast a year and was not removed until he died.
Swinger also lost his mind atleast 3 years before his death and wasn't removed. Schroeder was bed-ridden and stopped regularly attending all functions as well.
So unless he has an actual vice of some sort or a pride issue that caused his removal, this doesn't make sense.
Was / Is God biased ? prejudiced against certain Peoples / Tribes or Nations ?
by smiddy3 inlet me explain :.
after the creation account of the bible, tribes of people and nations began to form and spread around the land.. god first chose noah and his family to protect them as he destroys all others in the flood.. and he ticks off everyone in babel ?
and then he favours abraham and his descendants as the nation of israel culminating in the jewish lineage to jesus the son of god.. he has never had any dealings with any other people`s or nation isn`t that some form of favouritism ?
Kill everyone old enough to pee against a wall
Incredible News from History
by Simon inyou think you know things, then you come across something that makes you do a double-take.
how was it kept so qiet?.
for instance, how many were killed in the jones-town massacre?
I live about an hour away from the site, almost everyone is aware it's there but no one cares lol
Quick builds
by moley inwhat was the standard of quick builds.
did they cut corners, ignore building regulations, were they unsafe .
I use to have an large commercial Insurance and mortgage inspection business in the south, prior to selling it (this was after I left the org) I completed a few inspections on kingdom halls from that Era.
Two were turned into banks, one a daycare, and one that I can remember a pharmacy. They all obviously passed the local inspection, which honestly does t require much but that didn't mean they quality of work and materials were the best.
As I remember, they all had mold problems in the exact same area in the men's restrooms around the urinals.
Water intrusion from piss poor roofing, and cheap roofing materials. The landscaping practicing led to termite issues due to packing mulch directly up against the building and moisture problems from putting shrubs directly up against the building.
Cheap materials are generally used for obvious reasons. The older halls however tended to be the exact opposite. You would see that alot of care was put into the construction of those older buildings
An offer in exchange for some help.
by JeffT inas some of you might recall, i self-published a novel last fall.
i hoped “armageddon’s disciples” would be successful as my previous works (an alternate history trilogy) had done well.
not so with “disciples.” i’ve sold a total of nine copies.
Maybe no one is interested in that type of story at this time.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Wow 105 pages devoted to this guy...
Ukraine - Nato - US crisis
by mikeflood indon't understand....but this crisis in ukraine seems to be getting out of control....i mean, everybody knows how to start a war..... by the way, as always, people at the borg are having a field day.....
Good job on Germany siding with Russia and in turn China on this.
Goodbye NATO and good luck preventing communism from spreading like wildfire.
Tennis Controversy in Australia
by smiddy3 inapr 20, 2020. novak djokovic sparks a backlash after publicly opposing the covid-19 vaccine.
he says: “personally, i am opposed to vaccination, and i wouldn’t want to be forced by someone to take a vaccine in order to be able to travel.”.
asked by sky news australia anchor danica de giorgio why djokovic was granted the visa in the first place, the home affairs minister said: “they’re entirely separate processes”.. “to gain entry to australia you need both – you actually need the visa, which is determined quite separately, and then you have to meet the entry requirements,” she said.. “i know that people are putting the two issues together, but the visa application process and the granting of a visa is very separate to the additional entry requirements that every traveller needs to meet to be able to enter australia.”.
Countries have rules. If you don't want to abide by those rules you can't enter. If the entire sport of tennis ceased to exist and so did he, who cares.
People are upset over the fact that this yokel can't play a funding game. Who fucking cares.
Fuck all these vaccines and fuck the cult of celebrity.