He had outted Sarah as a CSA victim against her will and plastered her pic with him at IICSA all over his social media a couple years ago.
Just for some clarity.
He outted me before IICSA - it was at an APPG in Jan 2020 - whilst I was preparing to waive my anonymity in order to give evidence at the IICSA public hearing, which were due to start in May 2020. I neither followed him on any channel or saw any of his content at that time. I was alerted to the public post he'd made, including my name, a photograph of me, that I was a CSA survivor and IICSA CP, without my consent or knowledge, by a friend who did follow him.
He knew nothing about me, or my situation. Whether I had a live criminal or civil case, or whether I had told my family. Neither did he bother to check.
I had given anonymous evidence for the APPG, so my name was nowhere on that report.
I was completely stunned at the time, given that he was supposedly an experienced advocate, but appeared to have so little regard for my rights, not just as an individual, but as a CSA survivor, the issue of consent, and why that might be a problem.
I did not relate experiences of my own abuse at IICSA, but I was the only female exJW CSA survivor, to be named and seen on camera (hearing was virtual due to covid) at that time and I spoke on behalf of the CP group I represented, along with one other (not Lloyd) I was also the signatory, on behalf of the CP Group, on the documents submitted as evidence.
I have since requested that he remove anything, including my interview, the post with my photo and any livestreams featuring me, to be removed from his channels.