Darkspilver, I don't know if that is what she read. However, before we try, convict and execute my wife of being a heartless individual, on reflection I actually coloured her interpretation of it as she explained it, and she agreed and went along with my cynical interpretation. I am the heartless one.
I point out that it is easy to interpret the real story as:
- a stink eminated from the toilets (perhaps ammonia or H2S);
- a few people felt faint, triggering a group hysteria where a number of people collapsed in sympathy saying they were unwell, feeling faint, being poisoned etc;
- 3 randoms in the crowd were captured and accused of being responsible;
- the 405 "unconscious" people went to hospital and were told to calm down and sent home.
In support of this version of events, what sort of gas could render 405 people in an open air environment unconscious, without killing anybody, and yet wear off so quickly that a hospital would feel comfortable sending them home? I am sure an anethestist could confirm that that is impossible. Also, any group capable of pulling that off is going to be far too clever to be caught in the vicinity.
Also, getting 405 unconscious people to hospitals is a major logistical exercise, as is treating them. If the story was true, that part of the story would have been significant, with stories of ambulances and doctors being overwhelmed, etc.
Also, in such circumstances, do you really think they would allow the convention to continue the next day?
The only part of the story that may realistically be true is that the arrested 3 did actually release a smelly gas.