Nobody should have “faith” in science. When properly carried out, it is based on logic, evidence and observation.
A lot of the problem is that there are many goods and services marketed with “sciencey” sounding words and phrases. There are a lot of people selling alternative medicines, alternative treatments, dietary supplements, vitamins, cosmetics etc using these “sciencey” sounding jargon.
For a lot of those items, the manufacturers have never produced proper double-blind tests to demonstrate any actual benefits.
And then 5, 10 or 15 years later, someone does some proper research and shows that those vitamins, antioxidants, omega3 oils, skin moisturisers, or whatever, were of no benefit, and possibly harmful, etc. It undermines the average joe’s trust in science, even though there was never any proper science associated with the product to start with.
500 hundred years ago, witches etc might have sold their useless concoctions with impressive sounding oral witchcraft spells. Now the same witches market all their food supplements and cosmetics with “sciencey” sounding phrases.