Mad Irishman,
I can assure you that most Muslims in the Middle East have never heard of Jehovahs Witnesses. Yes there are many Christians in the Middle East. Most Middle Eastern countries even have legal churches; probably only Saudi Arabia is the exception. (I am told there are even a few in Iran.)
In most Middle Eastern countries, proselytizing to Muslims is illegal. In many of those countries, Watchtower is banned, at least officially. Attempted proselytizing will not only get the individual in trouble, it would put anyone connected with the religion at risk.
Some places in the Middle East it is unofficially allowed, but only for expats (typically Westerners, Indian and Filipino). If you attend, you will see ZERO Arabs (except for the occasional Christian born Lebanese). Dubai, for example has quite a few congregations, composed completely of expats. Any major city that has expats will typically have a congregation or two. They meet in rented premises and don't sing Kingdom Melodies during meetings.
They don't door knock. The standard approach to witnessing is to go to a shopping centre or other shops and strike up conversations with Filipino shop assistants (on the basis that they must be Christian, and hence safe), and go from there. They NEVER EVER approach a Muslim.
In short, Smiddy is correct.