I have to disagree, eyeuse2badub.
Ptolemys Canon (a list of eclipses going back to about 700BC) which gives the date and year of each eclipse by reference to the relevant King and the the number of years that King has been on his throne, has proven to be incredibly reliable.
These days we can calculate the exact dates of solar and lunar eclipses 1000s of years into the past and 1000s of years into the future. There is a NASA website which gives the data.
While Ptolemys Canon doesn’t say the exact date a king came to power (only the year) the data has proven 100% accurate each time there has been other info to check it with (eg those Babylonian tablets Watchtower was so desperate to discredit a few years ago).
For what it is worth, Ptolemys Canon records Nebuchadnezzar as coming to power in about 605BC, which would mean that (assuming the Bible is factually correct and accurate) the destruction of Jerusalem occurred in about 587 or 586BC.