Gary, yes I am in the same situation, although you are a couple of decades ahead of me. We also have 4 kids, so there are 6 of us under the one roof. I intend to do a new post on how this is all playing out.
Just to add to what I posted above, there are lots of very good intellectual arguments that should in theory persuade a JW to leave. You can see lots of them at
However, most JWs are immune to intellectual arguments, because (unbeknownst to themselves) they are there for emotional not intellectual reasons. Further, a non-JW trying to persuade a JW using scripture etc will inevitably fail, as the moment a non-JW does not use the exact correct word or theological terminology, their credibility is shot.
As long as you don’t actively discuss religion with your daughter, you are not a threat. In fact, you are a potential “Bible student”, yourself, in their eyes. And keeping in contact with your daughter is probably the best thing for her, as it would keep her grounded to reality. She may one day suddenly work it out for herself, or she may not.