I saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the US has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months. That's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.
Does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary? They are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people. Idiots will think they are getting free money or a $15 minimum wage but it's really the poorest who will suffer the most from the inflation tsunami wave that is going to hit the economic shoreline at some point.
I don't know about you but the cost of goods and services seems to be going up way more than the fictional basket used for the consumer price index. It isn't 1-2%, try more like 10-20% at least.
So I have a question for you. If you really believe that the money-printing can be done without inflation, then why do they need taxpayers? Instead of taking my taxes why don't they just print the equivalent instead?
That way we'll all be even richer! ... right?