No, LUHE, I didn't miss any point. The West must appease Putin and make peace for our time,
cede the four regions Russia recently annexed (perhaps including areas under
Ukrainian control), lift all the sanctions (how else to end this awful
cost-of-living crisis?), expel Eastern Europe countries from NATO
(because no way Russia will ever attack them AND they are not so important to
risk a nuclear war), give Putin more time and resources to strengthen up Russian military and economy... This worked well in 2008-09 and 2014-15 when Russia was essentially allowed to get away with Georgia, Crimea and Donbas, so it certainly will be a viable peace. As Mr Medvedev said three days before the invasion,
Here, I will give my personal assessment – but after a while, with
skilful management of the situation, and, I emphasise, I think we
have learned how to do this under the leadership of the President –
the tension that is now vibrating around our country will subside one
way or another.
Not quickly, not all at once, but this is how human history works:
sooner or later, they will get tired of this situation and will
themselves ask us to resume
discussions and talks on all issues of ensuring strategic security.
you know, it is like that line
from the famous book by Bulgakov: never ask for anything, they will come
to you
themselves and offer everything. This is about how developments unfolded
in 2008–2009. They came to us and suggested resuming relations across
the board.
Let us face it, Russia means a lot more than Ukraine
for the international
community and our friends in the United States and the European Union,
and everyone understands this, including the Ukrainians.
So why not to make them happy and give them what they want?
I just want to say, "peace ASAP" and Ukraine's decisive victory are not the only options. What about peace on honourable and just terms -- which is impossible if "soon" is all you care about. After all, Putin and his clique are perfectly happy about continuing this war, it helps them to further solidify their power, enrich themselves, purge any dissent and disloyalty. They aren't under pressure to end it ASAP, so it's questionable whether a really good peace is even possible at this point.