purrpurr, there is no child trafficking, only another moral panic (or even the Indian equivalent of blood libel). As blankspace wrote,
With this being said, there's been a spurt fake videos that have gone viral - these videos claim that there are child traffickers in the area. Because of these videos, there've been a number of lynchings and deaths of innocent people. This has especially happened in villages - they didn't even spare an older woman. Now since JWs go out in twos, they look pretty suspicious. And since they're urged to speak to even little children, they look even more suspicious. I believe they've come under the scanner primarily because of this. I don't think there's trafficking in India but there definitely is a lot of child abuse in the organization.
Some recent headlines:
Indian mob kills transgender woman over fake rumors spread on WhatsApp
Two men are the latest to be lynched in India because of false rumours spread on WhatsApp accusing victims of kidnapping children
Rumors of child-kidnapping gangs and other WhatsApp hoaxes are getting people killed in India