slimboyfat So what are the possibilities? That the figure includes HQ and other property, but excludes KHs?
I think yes.
And/or Watchtower has taken on significant debt which counts against their assets in their net worth? If that’s the case they may be in serious trouble, because even selling KHs may not be enough to cover payouts, and stay operational as an organisation.
You know, 30% of Watch Tower Britain's current liabilities are made up of congregation, circuit and individual deposits, and 86% of all its liabilities and provisions of liabilities are made up of such deposits and conditional donations (2017 report). Maybe the composition of WTNY's liabilities is similar. I don't know that but it is not impossible.
What about assembly halls
At least 45 AH entities are registered in IRS as separate tax-exempt orgs. So I think the answer is obvious.