Raise a beer jug to our German activists!
by Darth FayDehr 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks Darth.
The figures presented show 1,075 Kingdom Halls in 2011 and 940 Kingdom Halls in 2018, a loss of 135 Kingdom Halls in seven years in Germany. Great news. -
The loss of 135 Kingdom Halls sold in Germany means a lot of revenue for W.T. H.Q.in the USA .
However what I think is more important, what was the number of peak publishers in Germany in 2011 compared with the number of peak publishers in 2018.
I think that would give a more realistic view of whether the Jehovah`s Witnesses in Germany are on the decline or not.
The Fall Guy
LOL§ 8 Design of the seals. (1) The seal of the branch officeis circular. It has the diameter of 38 mm. TheFont is Garamond. The seal is a stylized oneopen Bible, at the top of which the grandletters "JZ" are located. Below that is theSigns, including in capital letters "BERLIN". TheSeal inscription reads in the upper half "JEHOVASWITCHES IN GERMANY"in capital letterswritten and in the lower half "corporation ofpublic law." -
I didn't realise that "Ein Prosit" was a Kindum Melody. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1NzzAKeffc
Bitterly disappointing. To spend 10 minutes talking in platitudes about two simple facts - and to fail to mention the number of created congregations and distribution of merged and created ones by language (not to mention that the correct number of mergers is 300, not 321). Remember, it was always possible to know how the number of congregations changed since these figures were published in Yearbooks (now in annual reports). The really interesting fact is that the number of German-language congregations has reduced by 1/8 during the past decade (compare the data from 2009 Yearbook, Amtsblatt, and German February 2008 Kingdom Ministry (p. 7)) - whereas the number of foreign-language ones grew and now they make up nearly 30% of all German congregations.
Foreign language congregations is one of the ways they hide thier decline.
Darth FayDehr
Hi Corney. That German Kingdom Ministry data would be very interesting to compile and share, as you recommend. Any chance that you can send me those German Kingdom Ministry PDFs?
I have only a quote from Watchtower Library - Deutsch (available on jw.org):
*** km 2/08 S. 7 Können wir den veränderten Bedarf im Gebiet berücksichtigen? ***
In den letzten Jahrzehnten sind viele Menschen aus den verschiedensten Ländern in unser Land gekommen und haben hier die Wahrheit kennengelernt. Jehova hat seinen Segen ausgegossen, sodass als Ergebnis heute 531 Versammlungen und 272 Gruppen in 30 Sprachen existieren. Insgesamt sind über 36 000 Verkündiger im fremdsprachigen Gebiet tätig. In Arabisch, Chinesisch, Türkisch und Vietnamesisch gibt es noch Bedarf; an einigen Orten auch in Deutscher Gebärdensprache, Persisch, Polnisch, Tamil und Tigrinja.Google translate:
In the last decades, many people from different countries came to our country and got to know the truth here. Jehovah has poured out his blessing, resulting in 531 congregations and 272 groups in 30 languages today. In total, more than 36,000 publishers work in foreign-language areas. In Arabic, Chinese, Turkish and Vietnamese there is still need; in some places also in German Sign Language, Persian, Polish, Tamil and Tigrinja.
This video is painfully stupid. I must stop watching these.